5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The linear model is both a simple and a very rich tool, forming the basis of many statistical methods. Its mastery and understanding are very useful both from a practical point of view, for fine-tuning the analysis of certain data sets, and from a conceptual point of view, for understanding the theoretical foundations of more advanced learning methods, including current ones.
This course provides an introduction to the linear model of simple and multiple regression, with quantitative or qualitative variables. It presents the formal derivation and theoretical study of least squares and maximum likelihood estimators in the Gaussian case. It also provides validation and variable selection tools to study model limitations. Finally, it introduces the practical use of this tool on simple data sets using R software.
- Understand the theoretical properties of linear models, with quantitative or qualitative variables.
- Build and estimate a linear model on data using R software.
- Be able to interpret the results and limitations of the model.
Teaching hours
- Linear model - CMLecture21h
- Linear model - TDTutorial21h
Mandatory prerequisites
L-level probability and descriptive statistics
HAX710X inferential statistics
L-level linear algebra
Recommended prerequisites : Knowledge of R software would be an asset
1 - Simple Linear Regression
1.1 - Least Squares
Properties of least squares estimators, predictions, geometric interpretation
1.2 - Gaussian model
Law of maximum likelihood estimators, confidence intervals and regions
2 - Multiple linear regression
2.1 - Least Squares
Properties of least squares estimators, predictions, geometric interpretation
2.2 - Gaussian model
Law of maximum likelihood estimators, confidence intervals and regions
2.3 - Variable selection
Hypothesis testing, model selection criteria (AIC, BIC, etc.)
3 - Model validation
3.1 - Residual analysis
Structure, normality, homoscedasticity
3.2 - Lever points and outliers
Projection matrix, Cook distance
4 - Linear regression with categorical variables
4.1 - One-way ANOVA
Model, hypothesis testing
4.2 - Two-factor ANOVA
Model, hypothesis testing
Further information
Volumes horairestrio :
CM : 21h
TD : 21h
TP :
Field :