Study level
BAC +4
6 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Education
This teaching unit is a continuation of the previous semester's and aims to enable students to reinvest and deepen certain theoretical and methodological elements in didactics, mediation or the history and epistemology of science. The aim is to develop a research project on a theme and problem defined by the student with the help of a supervisor from the teaching team. This work can be seen as a continuation of the work to be carried out for the dissertation in the second year of the Master's program. The aim is to provide an introduction to research.
Be able to search for articles and build a relevant bibliography on a given subject.
Be able to circumscribe a given theme and questions, compile a sufficiently precise bibliography and identify a problematic that will enable you to carry out a well-defined research project within a limited timeframe.
Develop an appropriate methodology in one of the didactics of scientific disciplines, enabling analysis of teaching or mediation situations (mathematics, physical and chemical sciences, life and earth sciences) with or without links to the history and epistemology of science (work on sources, archives, etc.).
Be able to give a written account of your work, defend it orally and take a critical look at it.