Scientific and technical mediation 2

  • Study level

    BAC +4

  • ECTS

    3 credits

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Education


This course is a continuation of the one offered in Semester 1.

It enables students to continue their discovery of the field of science and technology mediation, this time focusing on institutions (museums, science centers, associations, etc.) and more specifically on the evolution of their mission and their relations with the scientific sphere in relation to society. It pursues the same goals, namely to identify the institutions and players involved in this field, and to discover other issues and objectives that the mediation of science and technology has set itself. The mechanisms at work in the processing of knowledge in context remain a priority. In addition, we'll be looking at a number of specific aspects, such as specific ways of mediating science in nature, through comic strips, the heritage of contemporary scientific objects, and the issues involved in exhibiting living things or astronomy. The originality of this course lies in the fact that it brings together fields of study and research in the field of science mediation. The specific contribution of cross-disciplinary research in science didactics and communication sciences will be highlighted, as will their positioning and complementarity with other fields of research. 

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Teaching hours

  • Teaching hoursTutorial30h

Knowledge control

In S2, students will have to build a critical and argued presentation of the history and evolution of a particular institution of scientific mediation (CCSTI, Museums, associations, etc...).

The work can be carried out in pairs and will be submitted in the form of a pdf file (between 4 and 5 pages excluding bibliography and appendices, corresponding to around 20,000 characters including spaces). 

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Target skills

Proven skills (specific, cross-disciplinary)

  • Understand the different scientific mediation systems and institutions, their history and development
  • Mastering the communication of disciplinary knowledge and how to adapt it to different contexts of scientific mediation
  • Analyze and evaluate mediation systems, analyze scientific mediation institutions and adopt a critical stance
  • Understanding different audiences and their expectations 
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