Study level
BAC +4
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course introduces students to the field of science and technology mediation, with a focus on the analysis and discovery of different mediation mechanisms. It will provide an opportunity to take an interest in the different forms and devices used in the process of socio-diffusion of science, and to carry out an initial characterization. It will also provide an opportunity to begin identifying the institutions and players involved in this field, and to define the diversity of objectives and challenges that science mediation faces in its relations with society. The mechanisms at work in the treatment of knowledge in context will be the subject of an initial analysis.
On another level, the originality of this UE is to enable the meeting of study and research fields taking as their object the mediation of science. The specific contribution of cross-disciplinary research in science didactics and communication sciences will be highlighted, as will their positioning and complementaritý with other fields of research.
Proven skills (specific, cross-disciplinary)
- Be able to explain the main mechanisms at work in the processing of knowledge in a mediation context
- To be able to situate the general objectives and challenges of scientific mediation and their contemporary evolution, and to outline the challenges set out in the SNCSTI,
- Be able to characterize the different forms and devices of mediation
- Be able to describe a few institutions and identify the players involved in scientific mediation
Teaching hours
- New teaching hoursTutorial30h