Study level
BAC +4
3 credits
Faculty of Science
The aim of this course is to provide theoretical tools for the analysis and production of resources for teaching and/or mediating scientific knowledge. These contributions articulate didactic, ergonomic, instrumental and communicational approaches to scientific content from mathematics, physical and chemical sciences and life and earth sciences.
Based on a learning objective, students work on a project during tutorials, which they present orally and in a portfolio at the end of the semester.
Be able to remobilize the knowledge acquired in Semester 1
To be able to remobilize the didactic and mediation contributions of other UEs
Ability to work within a project framework.
Knowledge control
The EU is assessed at 100% in the final exam. Ltudents build a resource for the teacher or mediator (a meta-resource) comprising a proposed sequence including the resources selected in semester 1, a pedagogical activity with supports for the learners and an a priori analysis of the learner's activity. The exam consists of a group dossier and a 15-minute oral presentation, followed by 15 minutes of questions.
Target skills
Proven skills (specific, cross-disciplinary)
- Mobilizing and sharing specialized knowledge
- Adapting resource production to specific contexts and target audiences
- Develop pedagogical and didactic engineering for teaching, training and research.
- Communicate orally and in writing for training or knowledge transfer purposes
- Take into account the diversity and specificities of our audiences
- Identify resource requirements
- Managing a project within a collaborative framework