Economics - Management

Management Control and Decision-making Information Systems (CGSID)

  • ECTS

    120 credits

  • Duration

    1 or 2 years

  • Training structure

    Montpellier Management

  • Language(s) of instruction



The Master's degree in Management Control and Decision-making Information Systems (CGSID) is part of the national Management Control and Organizational Audit (CGAO) specialization (decree of February 4, 2014).

This Master's degree prepares students for careers in management control, organizational steering and management of decision-making information systems.

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  • 100%*

    Success rates


The objectives of the Master's degree in Management Control and Decision-making Information Systems are manifold:

  • Master advanced management control concepts and techniques 
  • Designing management control system architectures
  • Master the tools and techniques for analyzing, calculating and presenting numerical data, with a view to collecting, processing, analyzing and communicating the company's technical, social and financial data. 
  • Master managerial communication techniques and be able to communicate, lead and organize activities in the field of budget management, steering and reporting.


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International dimension

At Montpellier Management, you have the opportunity to study abroad inone of 45 partner universities in 20 countries.

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Knowledge control

*Success rate in M2 2022-2023 (admitted / number of students with an average > 7)

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Open on a sandwich basis

The M1 and M2 programs are organized on a sandwich basis within the framework of traditional initial training and apprenticeships, to ensure optimum acquisition of theoretical and professional knowledge.

Courses start at the beginning of September and alternate 2 weeks at the University and 2 weeks in the company.

From mid-April onwards, students in conventional initial training and apprenticeship schemes are in the host structures on a full-time basis.

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Internships, tutored projects

Find out more about the M1 internship on this page.

Find out all you need to know about M2 internships on this page.

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Select a program

  • Information systems and decision-support tools

    7 credits
    • Operational decision-making tools

      3 credits27h
    • Information systems management

  • Managerial environment

    7 credits
    • Strategic management

    • Business English

      3 credits27h
  • Fundamentals of management control and organizational auditing

    7 credits
  • Legal and financial environment

    9 credits
  • Optional

    • Optional sport

  • Opening up to the professional world

    11 credits
    • CIMA training

      3 credits24h
    • Business English

      2 credits24h
    • Professional experience and dissertation

      5 credits
    • Operational decision-making tools

      1 credits12h
    • M1 CGSID Internship

    • M1 CGSID Tutored project

  • Audit and internal control concepts and techniques

    3 credits
  • Advanced management control concepts and techniques

    10 credits
    • Management control system

    • Advanced Management Accounting

    • Management control, organization and governance

    • Introduction to research in management control and auditing

  • Accounting and financial environment

    6 credits
    • In-depth financial accounting

    • Cash Management

  • Optional

    • Optional sport

  • Financial and non-financial performance

    6 credits
    • Financial performance

    • Reporting

  • Analyze and interpret IFRS group financial statements

    5 credits
    • International financial accounting - IFRS

    • Consolidation

  • Analyze, align and manage strategy

    8 credits
    • Management control and strategic contingency

    • Conferences

    • Variance analysis and budgéting system

    • Control and strategy

  • Information systems management

    6 credits
    • Integrated management software (SAP)

    • Data analysis and visualization

    • Data analysis and modeling

    • IS Urbanisation and Management

  • Controlling and digital

    5 credits
    • Strategic data management (BigData, AI, etc.)

    • Management and steering in the digital age

    • Querying databases

  • Process management

    4 credits
    • Activities and networks

    • Quality and Supply Chain Management

    • Project management

  • Development and integration of highly specialized knowledge

    14 credits
    • Serious game

      1 credits12h
    • Methodology Memory

      8 credits3h
    • Case study Management - CIMA

      3 credits24h
    • Grand oral

      2 credits5h
    • M2 CGSID Internship

    • M2 CGSID Tutored project

    • M2 CGSID Dissertation

  • Performance management

    4 credits
    • Strategic steering in a specific context

    • Performance measurement and balance scorecard

    • Conferences

  • Mastering audit and risk management processes

    4 credits
    • Operational audit

    • Audit and risk management

  • Managing the attitudes and behaviors of players

    4 credits
    • Leading change in organizations

    • Promoting ethical and responsible behavior



Access conditions

Consult the conditions of access to the Master in Management Control and Decision-making Information Systems on this page.

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How to register

See registration details on this page.

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And then

Professional integration

  • Industrial management controller
  • Social controller
  • Commercial management controller
  • Management controller in the public sector
  • Cost analyst
  • Management controller in ERP environment
  • Chief Financial Officer
  • Chief Financial Officer for VSEs and SMEs
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