4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Hourly volume
"This UE will take the form of a series of a dozen lectures/seminars on current research themes in vertebrate paleontology and evolutionary biology; biodiversity and paleobiodiversity of continental ecosystems (animal); topographical and climatic barriers vs. dispersal and vicariance; community structuring, trophic chains through time and paleoguilds; role of Geodynamics and contingency (crises). The main objective is to acquire a good knowledge of current research themes/axes in the paleontological/evolutionary community".
"Acquire a good knowledge of current research themes/axes in the paleontological/evolutionary community; Develop critical thinking skills, Synthesize disparate information; Aggregate data around cross-cutting themes and axes in paleontology. "
Teaching hours
- Paleontology seminars - TDTutorial27h
Mandatory prerequisites
Good knowledge of past biodiversity and vertebrate taxonomic groups.
Knowledge control
100% continuous assessment