4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Hourly volume
"The aim is to analyze the phylogenetic, developmental and functional constraints likely to have governed the morphological changes perceptible in the fossil record. The phylogenetic approach will be approached using reconstruction methods applicable to fossils (parsimony; cladistic analysis). Developmental and functional approaches (mainly odontology) will be illustrated by different methodologies developed on the Montpellier campus (notably X-ray microtomography). The critical review of reference articles in the field in question will give rise to an oral presentation followed by questions."
Teaching hours
- Shape evolution: phylogenetic constraints, dev & fon - TDTutorial27h
Mandatory prerequisites
Put into perspective the various abiotic constraints (temperature, light, salinity, water, oxygen, pollutants) and biotic constraints (availability of trophic resources, parasitism, symbiosis, competition) in a context of anthropization and climate change.
Knowledge control
100% continuous assessment