3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
"The objectives of this course are threefold: (i) to remind students of the theoretical bases of some essential concepts of population genetics theory; (ii) to detail some "classical" inference methods (e.g., F-statistics) and more "modern" approaches (based, e.g., on coalescent theory); (iii) to show how demographic history may be inferred from the analysis of genetic polymorphisms."
Elementary skills in Genetic Inference
Teaching hours
- Genetic Data analysis - TDTutorial10,5h
- Genetic Data analysis - CMLecture12h
Knowledge control
Final inspection
Further information
Hourly volumes :
CM : 12 h
TD: 10.5 h
TP : 0 h
Field : 0 h
SPS: 0 h
Seminars: 0 h
Outside UM: 0 h