4 credits

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science

  • Hourly volume



"The aim of this UE is to present and explain the concepts, issues, operational approach in the field and laboratory, methodological and analytical strategies for inferring and reconstructing fluctuations in wild biodiversity and biodiversity exploited by man over time. It draws on empirical and modelled ecological, palaeoecological, palaeobiogeographical, archaeobiological, archaeological and palethnobiological data. Particular attention will be paid to :

- the functional role of ecological disturbances such as fires in the transformation of plant cover;

- the impact of human evolution on the dynamics of forest ecosystems;

- the exploitation, cultivation / breeding and domestication of plants and animals based on the study of modern and bioarchaeological data. "

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"- Mastery of concepts and approaches in paleoecology and bioarchaeology ;

- Acquire an interdisciplinary vision of paleoecology and macroecology;

- Knowledge of the main factors governing vegetation dynamics.

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Teaching hours

  • Dynamics of biodiversity and paleoenvironments - TDTutorial20h

Mandatory prerequisites

"basic notions of ecology and environmental science ;

- basic notions of data analysis,"

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Knowledge control

100% continuous assessment

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