10 credits

  • Component

    Faculty of Science


" Lectures (57 h)

 Reminders: from genes (DNA) to functional units of genes (proteins): genes, transcription and translation (3H)

 DNA: enzymes for DNA manipulation, PCR and cloning (6h)

 Genomes: genetic mapping, genome sequencing, genome annotation, identification of gene function, prokaryotic and eukaryotic organelle genomes, eukaryotic nuclear genomes, viral genomes and mobile genetic elements (12h)

 Gene expression: the role of DNA-binding proteins, transcriptional, post-transcriptional, translational and post-translational regulation; methods to study these different levels of regulation and protein-protein, protein-RNA, protein-DNA interactions (15h)

 Gene expression in response to stress, during cell differentiation or development, epigenetics (9h)

 Genome replication, mutations and DNA repair, recombination, transposition, editing and horizontal transfer (6h)

 How genomes evolve (6h)

 Practical work (24h)

 RNAseq analysis: RNA extraction, sequencing on the Bioenvironment platform, differential expression analysis on Galaxy, enrichment analysis, validation of some differentially expressed genes by RT-q-PCR".

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Knowing the structure of genomes

Know how the information in a genome is used by the cell in which it resides. How genomes are expressed

Knowing how genomes replicate and evolve

To know the methods for studying the structure of genomes, their expression and the functional validation of genes

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Knowledge control

Continuous assessment : 100%.

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