4 credits

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science

  • Hourly volume



The module addresses the theoretical and empirical advances of recent research in evolutionary genetics through a number of major issues:

- theme 1: genetic burden and evolution of reproductive systems: recombination, sex/asex, auto/allofecundation

- theme 2: kinship structures and their evolutionary consequences: kinship selection, group selection, evolution of cooperation, sex ratios

- theme 3: sustainable interactions between species: parasitism, mutualism, coevolution

- theme 4: traces of evolutionary history in genomes, genomics of adaptation.

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Have a clear vision of the theories underlying major issues in evolutionary genetics (mutations, evolution of reproductive systems and recombination, evolution of cooperation, parasitic and symbiotic interactions and their possible experimental tests, adaptation) and their application/testing with genomics tools.

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Teaching hours

  • Genetics and evolutionary genomics 2 - TDTutorial15h

Mandatory prerequisites

"Students must have done population genetics (M1 module ""GE1""), statistics, and evolution in M1."

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Knowledge control

100% continuous assessment


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