• Training structure

    Faculty of Pharmacy, IUT Montpellier-Sète

  • Language(s) of instruction



The Nutrition et Alimentation Humaine (NAH) program, located at the Montpellier IUT, is open exclusively to apprentices. This course enables students to acquire the skills needed to take charge of all the activities brought about by socio-economic, health and regulatory changes in French food consumption, in various employment sectors such as personal services and industry. It meets the needs of professionals in the field of food hygiene, and the expectations of the general public in terms of preventive advice and nutritional education, as well as training. This 1-year diploma course (Bachelor's degree) provides the skills needed to take charge of all activities related to socio-economic, health and regulatory changes in French food consumption, in various employment sectors such as personal services and industry.

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The professional degree in Nutrition and Human Food is designed to meet the needs of professionals in the field of food hygiene and the expectations of the general public in terms of preventive advice and nutritional education, but also in terms of training.

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Know-how and skills

At the end of the course, candidates will be able to:
- Control the sanitary quality (by applying the hygiene package regulations) and nutritional quality (by applying GEM-RCN recommendations) of foodstuffs in the context of collective catering.
- Design and implement the production of pre-prepared culinary preparations.
- Identify and implement actions related to sustainable development in the context of catering (fight against food waste, development of short circuits, etc.).
- Participate in the development or improvement of a Quality system in the fields of food and health
- Apply a project management methodology
- Communicate with all professionals (including in English)
- Carry out actions to promote, prevention and health education initiatives in the field of nutritional and therapeutic education, in line with health policy objectives
- Integrate the determinants of dietary behavior, the challenges of the caregiver/patient relationship and health status into nutritional and therapeutic education initiatives.
- Participate in the design, implementation and analysis of an epidemiological or clinical research study.
- Analyze nutritional problems in developing countries and evaluate strategies for improving diet.
- Run and analyze sensory analysis tests.
- Assess and control the use of functional foods and food supplements.
- Apply consumer information regulations (INCO regulation) for foods and food supplements.

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The course is available as a conventional or sandwich course. Work-study programs are offered under apprenticeship or professionalization contracts. Continuing education is also available for people returning to school or taking a VAE course.

Teaching details :

UE Catering and sustainable development
UE Complementary training for companies
UE Health promotion
UE Nutrition
UE Food science and law
UE Project
UE Internship

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Access conditions

Online registration procedure for a limited time: ecandidat.umontpellier.fr.

Registration for a Licence Professionnelle at the IUT consists of 3 stages. Each stage must be validated before moving on to the next:

Step 1 - Acceptance of the application :

  • Hold a BTS in dietetics or have one in progress*.
  • Complete file.

Stage 2 - Eligibility Admissibility: Decided by a pedagogical committee after examination of the application (Curriculum Vitae, Letter of Motivation, Transcript of grades... details on e-candidat). Subject to certain conditions, the committee may request additional documents.

Step 3 - Final admission Final admission: Subject to the signature of a work-study contract (apprenticeship or professionalization contract) within a company with assignments in line with the LPro theme, within the limits of available training places.

*Suitable profiles: Holders of a BTS in dietetics.

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Target audience

Holders of a BTS in dietetics.

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Necessary prerequisites

Holders of a BTS in dietetics, VAE...

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And then

Further studies

The aim of the professional license is to prepare students for working life, not further study. However, students wishing to do so can pursue a Master's degree or specialized engineering school.

Insertion survey results

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Studying abroad

The aim of the professional license is to prepare students for working life, not further study. However, students wishing to do so may pursue their studies abroad.

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Professional integration

This degree enables you to work as a supervisor in a healthcare establishment, rehabilitation center, follow-up care center, catering service, public health organization, nutrition research organization, sports center, agri-food industry, pharmaco-dietary industry, food and dietetic product distribution, information and training organization, nutrition and nutrition education association, service provider (home artificial nutrition).

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