4 credits

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science


 workshop sites are a central part of the curriculum for students in initial training. Each group must work on a given workshop site and carry out a naturalistic study on that workshop site.

Workshop sites :

- Garrigue de la Lauze (Errol Véla, Les Ecologistes de l'Euzière, Carrières du Biterrois)

- Etangs palavasiens (Benoit Nabholz, partner CEN Languedoc-Roussillon)

- Vallée de l'Arre (Eric Imbert, Communauté de Commune du Pays Viganais, Cévennes National Park)

- Causse du Larzac (Olivier Duriez, Parc des Grands Causses)

The cost of the course includes the cost of student transport (12 AR for the semester).

Assessment based on a report and oral presentation

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Mandatory prerequisites

All training modules


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Knowledge control



No. of hours

Nb Sessions

Organization (FDS or local)






Continuous control















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Further information

Module of the professional bachelor's degree Studies and Development of Natural Spaces


A module that respects the work-study schedule

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Target skills

Know and know how to apply the different approaches and tools used in evolutionary biology and ecology: observation, sampling, experimentation and statistical analysis.


Give an oral presentation and write a scientific report, using illustrations and a presentation adapted to the audience concerned, with the help of appropriate IT tools.


Propose a problem, propose and implement an observation approach, a sampling plan or an experimental approach, and analyze the resulting data, using IT tools for data entry, analysis and storage.


Successful project management within a group


Knowing how to position yourself in a group with the aim of implementing the project, knowing how to listen and exchange ideas


Ability to work independently, adapt to a new context and take relevant initiatives

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