15 credits

  • Component

    Faculty of Science


This module corresponds to the period of immersion in a professional environment. For apprentices, it is the period spent in their company according to the work-study program. For students in initial training, this corresponds to the internship period which will last at least 4 months (between mid-April and the end of August).


This immersion period will result in a report and an oral presentation, both of which will be evaluated by the educational team. The writing of the report and the preparation of the oral presentation must be done in the company. Questionnaires will be sent to the company tutors to evaluate the quality of the work done by the students. These questionnaires will be taken into account in the final evaluation.


The internship report will briefly present the project in which the internship is inserted and the objectives, but the heart of the report, as of the internship, will be the description of the study methods (sampling strategy or experimental design) with a presentation of the raw results. The presentation of the host professional structure can be given as a preamble to the document. The discussion should focus on the tools and methods used to meet the objectives of the internship, evaluating the limitations and advantages of the tools and methods. The report should include a list of bibliographic references, including scientific articles. The student may also write a more complete report within the host organization during the internship.

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Necessary pre-requisites

All training modules

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Knowledge control



Nb of hours

Nb Sessions

Organization (SDS or local)






Continuous control















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Additional information

Module of the professional license Studies and Development of Natural Spaces

Module respecting the work-study schedule

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Targeted competencies

Integration into the workplace

Putting into practice all the skills and competences defined in the other modules of the training

Knowing how to position oneself in a group in order to implement the project, knowing how to listen and exchange

Respect of all the legislations necessary to the professional practice (Labor Code, Health and Safety, protected species legislation...).



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