3 credits

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science

  • Hourly volume



Learn about the difficulties and constraints of certain taxonomic groups and identification methods & develop a personal approach to identification.


The course takes the form of 3 sequences. Each sequence is open to continuing education. The order of the sequences may be modified according to the availability of competent external speakers on the taxonomic groups.


For each taxonomic group, we'll cover: the group's phylogeny; general information on the group's morphology and ecology; classic monitoring and inventory methods applied to the group; a focus on species at stake in conservation; and lastly, identification concepts and a focus on a few difficult species pairs or complexes.


Sequence 1: Chiroptera

            use of determination software and automatic recorders

            2 sessions of 3 hours


Sequence 2: Mammals

            Focus on small mammals with determination of materials from trapping and raptor droppings, use of photographic traps, footprints and proofs.

            3 sessions of 3 hours


Sequence 3: Birds

            Visual determination from naturalized specimens, acoustic determination

            2 sessions of 3 hours

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Teaching hours

  • Fauna determination - TDTutorial21h

Mandatory prerequisites

- This course is reserved for EDEN students with a basic knowledge of at least one of the groups covered in the course.

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Knowledge control



No. of hours

Nb Sessions

Organization (FDS or local)






Continuous control

100 %














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Target skills

-Understanding past and present biodiversity (K2)


-Knowledge of tools for describing biodiversity from the gene to the biosphere (K4)


-Give an oral presentation and write a scientific report, using illustrations and a presentation adapted to the audience concerned, with the help of appropriate IT tools (L6)

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