4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Reinforce knowledge of a taxonomic group of the student's choice
Strengthening the personal approach to identification
Students will have to choose a taxonomic group and carry out a complete personal work on the identification of the species in this group. This work will be supervised by a tutor specialized in the group (see list of possible contributors).
During the semester, particular attention will be paid to collecting and sharing naturalist data, in line with SINP recommendations. Students will learn to use databases such as Faune France, iNaturalist, Observado etc. on a regular basis.)
For certain groups, such as flora, students will also work on the production of data control tools such as herbariums, photographic databases, etc.
A report and presentation will be produced.
Mandatory prerequisites
- S1 L3 EDEN "Determination of Fauna" and "Determination of Flora" courses
Knowledge control
test |
coefficient |
No. of hours |
Nb Sessions |
Organization (FDS or local) |
Written |
Continuous control |
100 % |
local |
TP |
Oral |
Further information
Manager(s) : Benoit Nabholz & Errol VĂ©la
Manager contact details (tel/mail): 04 67 14 32 36
benoit.nabholz @ & errol.vela @ ;
Target skills
Skills targeted by the EU :
-Understanding past and present biodiversity (K2)
-Knowledge of tools for describing biodiversity from the gene to the biosphere (K4)
-Give an oral presentation and write a scientific report, using illustrations and a presentation adapted to the audience concerned, with the help of appropriate IT tools (L6)