Study level
BAC +2
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The 2nd year computer science course taught at the Lycée is focused on advanced concepts in algorithmics and programming:
# Tree data structures: binary trees, heaps, ABRs, priority queues
# Sort by heap, lower bound on sorting
# Graph structure: representations (adjacency matrices, edge lists, neighbor lists)
# Basic algorithms (connectedness, depth and width paths, topological sorting)
# Distance calculation (Dijkstra, heap implementation)
# Introduction to object programming (encapsulation, late binding, classes, methods, etc.)
# Programming in Python
The aim of this course is to enable students to design their own algorithms and programs, with a particular focus on applications in biology, physics, chemistry and economics.
Mandatory prerequisites
First-year CPES computer science course
Knowledge control
Continuous control