Study level
BAC +2
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Hourly volume
This module completes and formalizes the notions of thermodynamics introduced in EU Thermodynamics 1, by exploring several aspects in greater depth: thermodynamic potentials defined on the basis of Legendre transformations, thermodynamics of open systems, pure-body phase transitions and irreversible processes, with incursions at the microscopic level to provide an insight into the physical foundations of the theory.
- Use differential forms and their properties in thermodynamics.
- Draw up an energy balance and entropy balance for a compound thermodynamic system.
- Predict the macroscopic properties of simple physical models (e.g. perfect gas, real gas, harmonic solid).
- Apply methods for solving ordinary differential equations to thermodynamic problems (e.g. pressure in a compressible fluid).
- Perform an energy and entropy balance for an open system
- Integrate a diffusion equation in simple cases.
- Establish the link between the macroscopic and microscopic description of a system
Teaching hours
- Thermodynamics 2 - CMLecture18h
- Thermodynamics 2 - TDTutorial18h
Mandatory prerequisites
- UE thermodynamics 1:
- Notions of Newtonian dynamics
- Conservative forces
- Kinetic and potential energy
- Harmonic oscillators
- Maths
- Derivatives, integrals, limited developmentsĀ
- Differential forms
Knowledge control
Terminal control
- Equilibrium thermodynamics
- Reminders: Thermodynamic systems. Variables and state functions: equations of state, intensivity, extensivity, additivity. Notion of equilibrium and local equilibrium. Thermodynamic transformations: quasi-static vs. reversible. Work and heat and their elementary expressions. Internal energy.
- Axiomatic presentation: First principle: statement and consequences, link with calorimetry. Dulong and Petit's law. Second principle: statement and consequences. Fundamental equation and equations of state. Thermal equilibrium. Third principle.
- Thermodynamic potentials: Helmoltz potential (free energy) and Gibbs potential (free enthalpy) and applications. Enthalpy. Legendre transformations. Phase diagrams. Clausius-Clapeyron equation and applications.
- Thermodynamics of open systems: Expression of the first and second principles for open systems. Chemical potential. Application to chemical transformations
- Phase transitions: concavity and convexity of thermodynamic potentials. Response functions. Applications. Phase transitions: first-order and continuous transitions.
- Transport phenomena: thermodynamic forces. Local energy and entropy balance. Diffusion equation. Coupling of irreversible phenomena: application to themoelectric effects.
- Microscopic aspects
- Internal energy: conservation and equipartition of energy
- Pressure and temperature: elements of gas kinetic theory
- Entropy: microscopic interpretation, microstates and macrostates