4 credits

  • Component

    Faculty of Science


This course deals with numerical methods applied to linear algebra, and more specifically to matrices. The notions of conditioning, matrix decompositions and iterative methods, and the calculation of eigenvalues will be introduced.

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Numerical solution of linear systems (problems, stability issues and algorithmic complexity) :

- elementary operation matrix, LU and Choleski factorization

  • Matrix standards, conditioning
  • Iterative methods: Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel
  • Convergence analysis: spectral radius
  • Overdetermined systems : least-squares methods and applications.
  • Singular value decomposition and applications.
  • Calculation of eigenvalues. Localization, link with characteristic polynomial. Power and deflation methods.
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Necessary prerequisites

HAX102X - Algebra I Linear systems

HAX202X - Algebra II Vector spaces and linear applications

HAX305X: Elementary numerical analysis


Recommended prerequisites: L1 maths

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Further information

Hourly volumes :

            CM: 15

            TD: 10.5

            TP: 15

            Terrain :

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