• Study level

    BAC +1

  • ECTS

    6 credits

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science

  • Hourly volume



The main aim of this course is to teach you how to pose and solve simple physics problems. The fields of application are material point mechanics and geometrical optics.

Mechanics of the material point :

  • Force statics: studies of mechanical systems in equilibrium.
  • Kinematics: the study of the movement of bodies independently of the causes that generate them.
  • Dynamics: links between the causes of movement and the movement itself.
  • Work and energy: work of forces (conservative and non-conservative), kinetic energy theorem, mechanical energy theorem and their applications.

Geometrical optics :

  • Propagation of light (Fermat's principle, Snell-Descartes laws, refractive index),
  • Image formation and optical systems (stigmatism, Gaussian approximation, mirrors, thin lenses, dispersive systems, centered systems, optical instruments).
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Material point mechanics

Understanding mechanics is fundamental to many other subjects in physics. This is why, as in most introductory physics courses, it occupies a particularly important place in our course. In this course, we will limit ourselves to the study of material points, a necessary prerequisite for the study of more complex systems.

If you work conscientiously on the content and tasks of this course, you'll be able to ...

  • explain the basic concepts of mechanics: force, mechanical equilibrium, momentum, work, mechanical energy;
  • calculate the components of a force in a given reference frame, and calculate the resultant of a system of forces;
  • apply the universal law of gravitation to material points and, from this, calculate the weight ;
  • deal with simple problems involving bodies in which solid friction is taken into account;
  • Derive the equations of motion and solve them to obtain the time equations for certain simple motions: free fall, vertical jet, inclined jet, sliding on an inclined plane;
  • state Newton's laws, and explain how they relate to the basic physical concepts mentioned above;
  • apply the law of conservation of mechanical energy to material points;
  • describe the motion of a material point on a circular trajectory using polar coordinates.

Geometric Optics

If you work conscientiously on the content and tasks of this course, you'll be able to explain how light propagates, how images are formed and how simple optical systems work (magnifying glass, prism, microscope, telescope...).

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Teaching hours

  • General Physics - CMLecture course27h
  • General Physics - TDTutorial27h

Mandatory prerequisites

Prerequisites* :

Knowledge of mathematics and science at French baccalaureate level, or equivalent.

Recommended prerequisites* :

  • Recommendations for Première: Mathematics and at least one of the following two specialties: Physics-Chemistry or Engineering Sciences.
  • Recommendations for Year 12: Mathematics and Physics-Chemistry or Mathematics and Engineering Sciences or Physics-Chemistry and Engineering Sciences with a complementary mathematics option.
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Knowledge control

100% CT

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