Study level
BAC +1
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Hourly volume
This Solid Mechanics course studies articulated systems made up of rigid solids through their movements and equilibrium positions. Concepts covered include velocity fields in solids, link classification and forces. Graphical kinematics and statics are also used.
- Be able to determine kinematic fields for a rigid solid
- Use the notion of force, linkage and kinematic cursors.
- Be able to apply the Fundamental Principle of Statics to simple or multi-body systems.
- Use graphic resolution methods for kinematics and statics.
Teaching hours
- Kinematics and statics of solids - CMLecture18h
- Solid kinematics and statics - TDTutorial27h
Mandatory prerequisites
Rules of elementary arithmetic, Trigonometry, Vectors, Vector product, Derivation of compound functions.
Recommended prerequisites* : UE calculus
Knowledge control
2 ongoing tests (CC1 and CC2) and 1 final exam (ET).
The final score is given by :
max(0.3(CC1+CC2)/2 + 0.7ET ; ET)