30 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
List of courses
General physics
6 credits54hAlgebra I linear systems
5 creditsElectronics 1
4 creditsReasoning and Set Theory
2 creditsRemediation in mathematics
3 creditsEnglish S1
1 creditsGeometry in the plane, space and complex plane
4 creditsAnalysis I functions of one variable and sequences
5 credits
General physics
Study level
BAC +1
6 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Hourly volume
The main aim of this course is to teach you how to pose and solve simple physics problems. The fields of application are material point mechanics and geometrical optics.
Mechanics of the material point :
- Force statics: studies of mechanical systems in equilibrium.
- Kinematics: the study of the movement of bodies independently of the causes that generate them.
- Dynamics: links between the causes of movement and the movement itself.
- Work and energy: work of forces (conservative and non-conservative), kinetic energy theorem, mechanical energy theorem and their applications.
Geometrical optics :
- Propagation of light (Fermat's principle, Snell-Descartes laws, refractive index),
- Image formation and optical systems (stigmatism, Gaussian approximation, mirrors, thin lenses, dispersive systems, centered systems, optical instruments).
Algebra I linear systems
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This UE is an introduction to linear algebra (formalized in S2), based on intuition from plane and space geometry. It includes an introduction to matrix calculus.
The UE also introduces the basic language of polynomials.
Reasoning and Set Theory
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Remediation in mathematics
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Geometry in the plane, space and complex plane
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This UE aims to work on plane geometry and its objects, as well as demonstrations. It also introduces complex numbers. The geometry and complex numbers sections each account for half of the UE.
- plane geometry objects: points, lines, vectors, angles, circles, triangles, etc.
- geometric transformations of the plane: symmetries, homotheties, rotations, translations.
- work on mathematical demonstration
- introduction to complex numbers, geometric interpretation, calculating with complex numbers
Analysis I functions of one variable and sequences
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The aim of this course is to clarify the notions of limits of sequences and functions, to deepen the study of sequences and functions, and to study the notions of continuity and derivability of functions, as well as to introduce the main "usual" functions.