

  • Duration

    1 year

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Pharmacy


Teaching fields: Health

Type of diploma: DU

The DU PHYTOTHERAPY - AROMATHERAPY will not be offered in 2023/2024.

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The advantages of the training


Acquisition of botanical, chemical, pharmacological and toxicological skills on medicinal plants and essential oils, and their legislation in order to deliver them.

To enable them to be advised or prescribed with full knowledge of the facts, based on recognized and validated scientific criteria and data, in compliance with current legislation and ethics.

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Knowledge control

Validation: written exam on the whole course - duration: 3 hours

The candidate must have obtained a mark of 12/20 in all the written tests.

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Conference program

  1. General Basics

Introduction to the University Diploma.

Botany, ethnopharmacology.

Basics of phytotherapy and aromatherapy.

The main chemical classes of plant substances.

Galenic bases the various forms based on plants: obtaining extracts, specialties, raw materials for preparations, food supplements.

Legislation of medicinal plants: directives, registration files, marketing, current situation.


Phytotherapeutic grounds.

Phytotherapy in the pharmacy, good preparation practices, management of a phythotherapy department,...

     2. Thematic conferences

Rheumatology, traumatology: osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, gout, tendonitis, lumbago,...

Circulatory system: venous insufficiency, hypertension, dyslipidemia,...

Central and vegetative nervous system: anxiety, stress, insomnia, depression, stimulating plants...

Digestive pathology, gastroenterology: transit disorders, dyspepsia,...

Liver pathology: cholagogue and choleretic plants

Pneumology: angina, rhynopharyngitis, bronchitis, cough,...

Immunology: immune stimulants, autoimmune diseases, allergies.

Urology: cystitis, nephritis, urethritis, lithiasis,...

Gynaecology and andrology: premenstrual syndrome, premenopause, menopause, pregnant women...andropause, prostate disease


Metabolic syndrome and endocrine disorders: diabetes, overweight, thyroid, adrenal,...

Functional nutrition: food supplements, oligotherapy.

Weight loss treatment: use and limits.

Dermatology: skin care, acne, psoriasis, eczema, herpes,...

Accompaniment of heavy illnesses.

Approach of the main therapeutics from traditional medicines, concept and limits: African, Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine.

Prescription advice.

Veterinary phytotherapy.


   3. Exhibition of fresh and dried plants - Visit of the heritage : Droguier,...



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Conditions of access

The DU is open without age limitations or particular conditions of nationality to :



Holders of any strange diploma judged equivalent by the President of the University, after advice from the pedagogical commission of the U.F.R. of Pharmaceutical and Biological Sciences.

Health students (pharmacists and physicians) in their final year of training.

Other health professionals, after review of the application.

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