1 year
Training structure
Faculty of Pharmacy
With the public's growing interest in herbal products, healthcare professionals are faced with an increasingly diversified offer from laboratories. They therefore need to keep abreast of the latest developments in phytotherapy and aromatherapy, in order to be able to advise or prescribe in complete confidence, based on scientifically validated criteria of efficacy, in compliance with current legislation and ethical standards.
Training benefits
Teaching team:
Lecturer-researchers from the UFR des Sciences Pharmaceutiques de Montpellier ( Laboratoire de Pharmacognosie-Phytothérapie et Aromathérapie ; Laboratoire de Botanique Mycologie) and outside contributors specializing in these issues (Dr Frnaçoise Couic Marinier, Dr Jean Michel Morel, Dr Sabrina Boutefnouchet...).
This training course will provide you with solid, up-to-date knowledge of medicinal plants and essential oils, as well as their various therapeutic, cosmetic and veterinary applications. You'll learn to think critically about these natural alternatives, to master the different practices of phytotherapy and aromatherapy, and to select the products best suited to your patients.
Taking this course will not only enable you to offer your patients natural, effective alternatives, it will also set you apart as a knowledgeable healthcare professional who cares about their well-being.
Know-how and skills
Common concepts
- Introduction
- Botany
- Phytotherapy in general
- Aromatherapy in general
- Ethnopharmacology
- Legislation on herbal products
- Phytovigilance
- Herbal medicine for caregivers
- Central and vegetative nervous system
- Digestive system, gastroenterology and hepatology
- Respiratory system
- Cardiovascular system
- Urological and nephrological systems
- Metabolic syndromes and endocrine disorders
- Rheumatology, traumatology
Specialized themes covering phyto and aromatherapy
- Gynecology & andrology
- Pregnancy & paediatrics
- Physical therapy
- Veterinary medicine
- Dermatology & cosmetology
Knowledge control
Written exam (30 min quiz), written report on an herbal specialty (phyto and/or aroma) and oral presentation (10 min).
Hourly volume : 70 hours including around 55 hours of lectures, + field trip, + case studies + feedback, spread over 2 weeks of classroom training (10/03/25 to 14/03/25 and 16/06/25 to 20/06/25).
Timetable : 2 classroom weeks(10/03/25 to 14/03/25 and 16/06/25 to 20/06/25)
Admission requirements
The DU is open to :
Holders of any foreign diploma deemed equivalent by the President of the University, after consultation with the U.F.R. des Sciences Pharmaceutiques et Biologiques pedagogical committee.
Health students (pharmacists and doctors) in their final year of training.
Other healthcare professionals, after examination of the application file.