Sciences, Technological fields, Engineering


  • Targeted level of study

    BAC +3

  • ECTS

    180 credits

  • Duration

    3 years

  • Training structure

    IUT Nîmes

  • Language(s) of instruction



By integrating the Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical and Production Engineering (B.U.T. GMP), students benefit from an integrated 3-year program to reach the degree of Bachelor. The degree is aligned with international standards and facilitates exchanges with foreign universities.

With the B.U.T. GMP, students continue to benefit from a university and technological education supervised by experienced teaching teams. The curriculum is still based on professional situations, periods in companies in the form of internships or work-study programs.

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The B.U.T. GMP aims to train generalists in the mechanical industries, whatever the sector of activity, capable of ensuring the marketing of a new product through the first three stages of its life cycle: design to define the product, industrialization to develop the manufacturing and assembly processes, and finally industrial organization to organize production lines.This versatility allows graduates to adapt to the changing needs of companies and to the changes in future professions. They participate in the engineering process, from the treatment of the expressed need to the implementation of the technological solution in response to this need in compliance with the constraints of time, cost and quality. In the context of the industry of the future, each BUT GMP course will provide an essential complementary skill for companies today and tomorrow: innovation, virtualization, sustainable development, management and marketing.

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Know-how and skills

At the end of the training, the graduate will be able to exercise his skills in 3 main professional situations:

  • product design,
  • its industrialization
  • and finally the industrial organization to be implemented.

In each of these 3 situations, he will be able to use the 4 major skills:

  • Specify: determine the industrial requirements corresponding to a customer's need;
  • Develop : develop products, manufacturing processes and associated industrial organizations;
  • Realize: realize the digital model of the product, manufacture it by implementing the CAM software and hardware currently used in the industry;
  • Operate: monitor the life of the product and the production system.

These four elements of practice apply to the three families of situations (product design, product industrialization or industrial organization) and thus constitute the four skills common to the graduates of the BUT GMP.

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Knowledge control

The control of knowledge is done continuously and at the end of each semester (30 ECTS per semester). It allows to know the level of mastery of the acquired skills. In total, 6 semesters (180 ECTS) must be validated to obtain the B.U.T. GMP.

Students who do not wish to continue in the 3rd year of the B.U.T. GMP and having validated 120 ECTS (4 semesters) can ask for the delivery of the University Diploma Technology (D.U.T.) GMP (bac + 2).

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Special arrangements

High-level athletes
The university wishes to provide high-level athletes with the necessary means to pursue their university studies. This support takes the form of adjustments to the curriculum adapted to the constraints of sport, with the aim of reconciling higher education with a sporting career.
To be eligible, check your eligibility here
The application for high level status must be made every year.

Confirmed artists
The university promotes access to initial and continuing education for experienced artists. Support can be provided by adapting the curriculum. For more information, contact the Student Services Department here (iutn-scolarite @

Students with disabilities
The Handiversity and Occupational Medicine departments complement each other in their missions to help you succeed in your studies. They are your privileged contacts to inform you, evaluate your situation, recommend suitable accommodations and monitor their implementation. (More info here).

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Alternation methods

This allows you to be put in a real situation and to be confronted with the professional world; alternating between theoretical training at the IUT and practical training in a work situation in a company.
The advantages of the sandwich course
For you
- To progressively acquire skills and learn a trade in the field.
- To obtain a diploma while preparing for professional integration. Obtain a diploma while preparing for professional integration.
- Be accompanied throughout the course by a teacher tutor and an apprentice master/tutor in the company.
- Follow a training course while receiving a salary.
- Obtain a diploma to enter the professional world.
For the company that recruits you
- Recruit employees who are quickly operational.
- Benefit from financial advantages of employment aid.

More info
Ensup LR Apprentice Training Center (apprenticeship contract) here
Service de Formation Continue Univ. Montpellier (professionalization contract) here

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Internships, tutored projects



Duration of the course

22 weeks minimum spread over the 3 years in order to apply the acquired skills.

Tutored project
600 hours are allocated to tutored projects. They allow students to conduct a study in small groups. They are carried out during the three years of training in parallel with the classical teaching.

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The training starts in September and lasts 3 years. It is structured around university and technological courses. The total hourly volume is 2,000 hours divided into 6 semesters. The program is built on a skills-based approach. The acquisition of skills is based on the articulation of professional situations and theoretical teachings .

Year 1 - Common Core:

SAÉ (*) - PORTFOLIO (**)
CAS 1.1Consumer product analysis  CAS 2.1 Specification of the processes of elaboration of a part
CAS 1.2Modification of a mechanical system CAS 2.2 Robotization of a production operation
CAS 1.3 From digital model to physical prototype CAS 2.3 Manufacturing of a part (open process)
CAS 1.4 Structural organization of the industry CAS 2.4 Stabilized production control
   SAE 2.23 Sizing and design 
 Portfolio  Portfolio
Multi-physics modelingR1.01 - Mechanical Multi-physics modelingR2.01 - Mechanical
R1.02 - Dimensioning of structures R2.02 - Dimensioning of structures
R1.03 - Materials Science R2.03 - Materials Science
R1.04 - Applied Math and Scientific Tools R2.04 - Applied Math and Scientific Tools
Mechanical systems engineering R1.05 - Mechanical Construction Engineering Mechanical systems engineering R2.05 - Mechanical Construction Engineering
R1.06 - Tools for engineering R2.06 - Tools for engineering
Production engineeringR1.07 - Production - Methods Production engineeringR2.07 - Production - Methods
R1.08 - Metrology R2.08 - Metrology
R1.09 - Organization of industrial production R2.09 - Industrial organization and management
Engineering of cyber-physical systems R1.10 - Electricity - Electrical engineering Engineering of cyber-physical systems R1.10 - Electricity - Electrical engineering
R1.11 - Automation R1.11 - Automation
R1.12 - Computers and databases R1.12 - Computers and databases
Human relations within the company R1.13 - Expression - Communication Human relations within the company R2.13 - Expression - Communication
R1.14 - Languages R2.14 - Languages
R1.15 - Personal and professional project R2.15 - Personal and professional project


(*) Learning and Evaluation Situations (LES)
LES allow for the evaluation of the competency in a given situation. This evaluation is carried out in accordance with all the elements structuring the reference system, and is based on the portfolio approach, i.e. a process of reflection and demonstration carried out by the student himself. As a set of actions, the SAE requires the student to choose, mobilize and combine relevant resources that are consistent with the targeted objectives. The challenge of an EAS is thus multiple:
- Participate in the development of competencies;
- Support learning and the mastery of resources;
- Integrate self-assessment by the student;
- Allow individualization of learning.

(**) The portfolio approach
Sometimes called a skills portfolio or professional passport, the portfolio is a connection point between the academic world and the socio-economic world. In this way, it responds to all the dimensions of the student's professionalization: from his training to his future as a professional.

From the 2nd year, the student chooses a path and acquires a specific skill for the chosen path:

  • Innovation for Industry: MASTER creativity and innovation support tools and approaches and industrial property.
  • Industrial Process Management: MASTER environmental standards and related processes throughout the product life cycle.
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Select a program

Innovation for the Industrialist

See the complete page of this course

Industrial Process Management

See the complete page of this course


How to register

Application via the Parcoursup portal here

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Target audience

General BAC obtained

from 2021 onwards, recommended specialties :

  • Mathematics + Physics-Chemistry or Engineering Science
  • Any other specialty after studying the file

Before 2021

General BAC : S

Technological BAC STI2D

Study of the file : assessments by the teaching staff; opinion of the class council; motivation for the program; French and language grades; first and final year grades in scientific disciplines and general subjects.

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Tuition fees

Tuition fees include:
- University registration fees (set each year at the national level; more info here),
- the Student and Campus Life Contribution (CVEC) , which is intended to promote social, health, cultural and sports support for students and to support preventive and health education activities for them. (More info here)

Each student in initial training or under an apprenticeship contract in an institution of higher education must obtain, prior to registration, a certificate of payment of the CVEC(payment or exemption).

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And then

Further studies

Professional integration

Graduates of the BUT GMP are generalists in the mechanical industries, employable in the following sectors

  • Mechanical engineering and machine tools,
  • Automotive manufacturing and equipment suppliers,
  • Aeronautics, space and equipment manufacturers,
  • Shipbuilding and equipment manufacturers,
  • Railway construction and equipment manufacturers,
  • Environment and energy,
  • Nuclear,
  • Agri-food,
  • Agricultural machinery,
  • Medical sector,
  • Household appliances,
  • Sports and leisure,
  • Construction and equipment manufacturers,
  • Deconstruction and recycling.
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