180 credits
3 years
Training structure
IUT Montpellier-Sète
Language(s) of instruction
Training benefits
The B.U.T Biological Engineering course in Medical Biology and Biotechnology offers :
- highly versatile theoretical and practical training with access to certifications (Ecri+, preparation for blood sampling certificate, animal experimentation)
- specific equipment and facilities: laboratory rooms for chemical, biochemical and microbiological analysis, analytical techniques, cell culture, histology, pharmacology, molecular engineering, computer room, language laboratory, ....
- developing autonomy through projects and portfolio building,
- the involvement of teachers and over 50% of professionals,
- the opportunity to go abroad during the3rd year as part of international partnerships,
- immersion in the professional world through internships and work-study programs starting in the2nd year,
- raising awareness of integrated One Health approaches,
- a special curriculum for top-level athletes.
The Biological Engineering B.U.T. course in Medical Biology and Biotechnology trains senior technicians, future middle managers or multi-skilled assistant engineers in the fields of life sciences, human and animal health, biotechnologies and the cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries.
Know-how and skills
On completion of this B.U.T., students will be able to
- Perform analyses in the field of biology
- Experimenting in Biological Engineering
- Conduct studies at organism and cell level
- Perform medical biology tests
- Implement molecular engineering techniques in the field of life sciences.
Select a program
1st year
2nd year
3rd year
Admission requirements
Admissions are made via the Parcoursup platform.
The profiles sought are:
BAC général obtained from 2021 with at least two of the following specialties: Mathematics, Physics-
Chemistry, SVT/Biology-Ecology
General BACobtained before 2021: BAC S.
Technological baccalaureate: STL (specific courses in Biochemistry - Biology - Biotechnology or Laboratory Physics
and Chemistry)
And then
Professional integration
After obtaining a B.U.T Biological Engineering degree in Medical Biology and Biotechnology, students can work as senior technicians in medical biology laboratories, senior technicians/assistant engineers in fundamental research laboratories, the cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries, bioproduction and biotherapy, quality control laboratories and biotechnologies.
This B.U.T. enables professional integration in various sectors:
- public and private Research & Development organizations and platforms,
- medical analysis laboratories,
- quality control bodies,
- industries (pharmaceutical, cosmetics, etc.).