Technological fields, Engineering, Health, Sciences

Analysis, quality control, environment

  • ECTS

    120 credits

  • Duration

    2 years

  • Training structure

    IUT Montpellier-Sète


Accessible from the 2nd year of the B.U.T Chemistry. 

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Train senior technicians to work directly with engineers and researchers in all areas of chemical applications: research, development, production, analysis and control.

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Know-how and skills

  • Analyze solid, liquid and gaseous samples:
    Follow an analysis protocol
    Use appropriate chemical and/or physico-chemical analysis techniques
    Use appropriate sampling and sample preparation methods
    Develop a coherent analytical approach
  • Synthesize molecules:
    By transforming the material in an appropriate manner
    By monitoring the reaction using appropriate methods
    By characterizing the compounds using appropriate techniques
    By purifying the compound using appropriate techniques
  • Develop materials and/or formulated products:
    By selecting the right raw materials and processes
    By implementing a relevant eco-design approach
    By characterizing the properties of materials and/or formulated products using appropriate techniques
  • Produce intermediary compounds and finished products
    Correctly implement unit operations in industrial chemistry production
    Monitor production using appropriate physico-chemical analyses
    Comply with developments in green chemistry and sustainable development
  • Manage a chemical laboratory or production workshop
    Take part in steering the activities of the laboratory or production workshop
    Apply a quality approach
    Ensure the scientific supervision of a team of highly qualified agents
  • Controlling health, safety and environmental aspects
    By complying with an HSE (Health, Safety and Environment) policy.
    By complying with a sustainable and economical chemical policy.
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Knowledge control

Assessment of knowledge: continuous assessment

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Internships, tutored projects



Length of internship

10 weeks in B.U.T 2 and 16 weeks in B.U.T 3.

  • Internship: 22 to 26 weeks over 3 years
  • Tutored project: 600h
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Select a program

2nd year

3rd year


Target audience

IMPORTANT: This course is accessible from the 2nd year of the B.U.T Chemistry. 

  • BAC général obtained from 2021 with at least one of the following specialties: Mathematics, Physics Chemistry, Biology, Engineering Sciences.
  • General BAC obtained before 2021 : BAC S (others, depending on file).
  • Technological baccalauréat: STL.
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And then

Professional integration

All sectors of the chemical and parachemical industries:

  • Laboratories (Research, Analysis, Control, Development),
  •  Workshops (Manufacturing, Pilot),
  • Services (Technical Sales, Security, Administration, Training).
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