Engineering, Technological fields

Building Energy Management and Efficiency, BePOS

  • Training structure

    IUT Montpellier-Sète

  • Language(s) of instruction



The GEEB or BEPOS professional bachelor's degree offered by IUT Montpellier-Sète enables students to follow a course entitled "Energy Management and Efficiency in Buildings".

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The"Energy Management and Efficiency of Buildings" (BEPOS or GEEB) professional degree is a diploma-based, professional training program in the field of energy management, particularly renewable energies for the building industry. Its aim is to equip new buildings and, above all, to renovate individual homes, apartment blocks and commercial buildings with a view to efficiency (rational use of energy). This specialization focuses not only on design, diagnostics and consulting, but also on the marketing, coordination, implementation and operation of innovative, energy-efficient solutions.

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Know-how and skills

- Know how to configure building management and centralized technical management systems.
- Know the basics of thermal, hydraulic and geothermal energy.
- Know how to identify heat sources in order to size a heat pump.
- Know how to use the architectural tools of bioclimatic construction
- Know how to size an electrical installation.
- Know how to make the most environmentally-friendly energy choices and be able to apply the right regulations or the most appropriate labels (RT2012, RT2020, eco-neighborhoods, etc.) to professional and private fields.
- Know how to size and choose the equipment best suited to the objectives of improving a building's passive and active energy efficiency.
- Participate in definition, design and pre-sizing studies for a cogeneration plant at the preliminary design stage.
- Be able to propose a wood energy heating solution.
- Design, install, implement and continuously improve intelligent building installations.
- Know how to choose the components of a photovoltaic energy production chain. 

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The 450 hours of teaching are divided into 7 teaching units (plus a scientific refresher course):

  • Energy and Environment,
  • Energy Management,
  • Thermal energy,
  • Business/English,
  • Energy production and management systems,
  • Tutored project,
  • Internship or professional project.

Validation of the diploma entitles the holder to 60 European Credits (ECTS).

This course can be taken on a traditional or continuing education basis, or as part of a work-study contract:
- through an apprenticeship with CFA ENSUP LR Sud de France.
- through a professionalization contract with SFC at the University of Montpellier.

Work-study schedule: 1 week in training and 3 weeks in the company, for a total of 12 weeks in training and 38 weeks in the company.

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Admission requirements

Online registration procedure for a limited time:

Registration for a Licence Professionnelle at the IUT consists of 3 stages. Each stage must be validated before moving on to the next:

Step 1 - Acceptance of the application :

  • Hold a Bac +2 or equivalent*.
  • Complete file.

Stage 2 - Eligibility Admissibility: Decided by a pedagogical committee after examination of the application (Curriculum Vitae, Letter of Motivation, Transcript of grades... details on e-candidat). Subject to certain conditions, the committee may request additional documents.

Step 3 - Final admission Final admission: Subject to the signature of a work-study contract (apprenticeship or professionalization contract) within a company with assignments in line with the LPro theme, within the limits of available training places.

Suitable profiles: DUT (Civil Engineering, GEII, Thermal and Energy Engineering, Physical Measurements), BTS (Building, Electrical Engineering, Digital Systems (Electronics and Communication Option), Home Energy Fluids), Students with L2 Physics-Chemistry-SPI.

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Target audience

Holders of national diplomas at bac + 2 level.
- Initial/internship training:
Suitable profiles:

  • DUT (Civil Engineering, GEII, Thermal and Energy Engineering, Physical Measurement),
  • BTS (Building, Electrical Engineering, Digital Systems (Electronics and Communication Option), Fluids Energy Home Automation),
  • Students with L2 level in Physics-Chemistry-SPI.
  • Open to commercial and tertiary DUTs and BTSs with a scientific background (Bac S and STI)

- Continuing education:
Suitable profiles:

  • Bac+2 or able to validate the level (VAE) with 3 years' experience in the secondary sector.
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Mandatory prerequisites

Validated Bac + 2 diploma.

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And then

Further studies

The aim of the professional license is to ensure rapid integration into working life, rather than further study.

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Professional integration

Graduates of the GEEB professional bachelor's degree will be able to occupy positions such as :

  • thermal engineers, dealers and/or equipment distributors,
  • technical advisors or assistant engineers,
  • in charge of methods, maintenance, rehabilitation work, installation, renovation or thermal operation... in the following sectors: design offices, architectural firms, local authorities, retailers-distributors, producers, operators, installers, building diagnostic and certification organizations...

Insertion survey results

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