Target level of study
BAC +3
60 credits
1 year
Training structure
Faculty of Law and Political Science
The creation of this program meets a growing need expressed by legal professionals (lawyers, notaries, bailiffs, solicitors, etc.) and company directors (corporate litigation departments, etc.), as well as by the public and para-public sectors (court registries, social services, social insurance, etc.).
The program enables students to enter the job market by training "operational" assistants right from the end of the curriculum, while leaving wide-open the possibility of completing this professional training pathway (validation of prior learning).
Designed and organized within the framework of close partnerships with the professional world, it offers students the opportunity to acquire the fundamentals of a professional activity and leads them to autonomy in the implementation of this activity.
Training benefits
Applications: eCandidat website.
- Train future legal assistants in the use of information and communication technologies in the legal profession;
- Deepen legal knowledge through theoretical and practical training;
- Transmit know-how in documentary research and the use of legal databases;
- Training in written, verbal and non-verbal communication, and in the presentation and transmission of information.
Know-how and skills
Skills acquired :
- Analysis of a legal problem and the questions required to solve it;
- Electronic communication know-how in the legal profession;
- Acquire knowledge and practice in writing and speaking;
- Autonomy in the practice of legal assistance ;
- Familiarization with concepts and procedures for improved man/machine communication
Open on a sandwich basis
This course is offered on a sandwich basis.
5 creditsCM Accounting
3 creditsTD Accounting
2 credits
Contract technology
5 creditsCM Contract engineering
3 creditsTD Contract engineering
2 credits
Tutored project
Human resources management
5 creditsTD Human Resources Management
2 creditsCM Human Resources Management
3 credits
Business law
5 creditsCM Business law
3 creditsTD Business law
2 credits
Corporate law
5 creditsCM Corporate law
3 creditsTD Corporate law
2 credits
UE Training and preparation PIX and Law
2 creditsWealth and corporate law
5 creditsTD Wealth and corporate law
2 creditsCM Wealth and corporate law
3 credits
Formalities and procedures
5 creditsTD Formalities and procedures
2 creditsCM Formalities and procedures
3 credits
Choosing an internship
Your choice: 1 of 2
3 creditsStudent involvement
3 credits
Company in difficulty
5 creditsTD Company in difficulty
2 creditsCM Company in difficulty
3 credits
Social relations within the company
5 creditsCM Corporate social relations
3 creditsTD Company relations
2 credits
Relations with the administration
5 creditsCM Administrative relations
3 creditsTD Administrative relations
2 credits
Professional presentations
Admission requirements
Access requirements by level :
- Selection of candidates based on applications.
- Invitation to interview for selected candidates.
Mandatory prerequisites
National diploma validating two years of higher education in law.
- D.E.U.S.T "Legal Assistant
- Licence 2 Droit
- D.U.T Legal Careers
- Prerequisites : Good level of legal, theoretical and technical training
And then
Professional integration
Career opportunities :
- Integration into working life
- Access to certain civil service competitions