Law - Political Science - Administration


  • Training structure

    Faculty of Law and Political Science


This training in criminal science aims to provide all those who, by taste or profession, are concerned with the criminal phenomenon, with scientific information on delinquency

and the various disciplines that try to identify and combat it.

It is also intended to become a meeting place for people who are in contact with the criminal phenomenon.

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The advantages of the training

  • Students who wish to register for the DU must apply directly to the registration service of the UFR Droit et Science politique
  • Non-student applicants should contact the university's continuing education department
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General Criminal Law and Procedure - 66 hours

Criminology and Criminal Policy - 33 hours

Criminal Psychiatry - 25 hours

Prison Law - 15 hours

Technical and scientific police - 20 hours

Juvenile law - 15 hours

Special criminal law - 33 hours

Option - 15h: Major criminal cases or Introduction to criminal business law

Validation of academic achievements

DU students who have already taken courses of equivalent duration in a university setting may use the grades previously obtained, provided that the corresponding transcript is sent before the examination session. Only grades above or equal to the average will be validated.

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Conditions of access

This training is accessible without selection and with a baccalaureate level as the only prerequisite

These courses are intended for students who wish to pursue a career in criminology as well as for those who are actively involved in the fight against crime.

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Target audience

Higher education students: full enrollment:

  • Law students preparing a Bachelor's degree (L1, L2, L3) or a Master's degree (M1) in Law and intending to pursue careers in the Judiciary, the Bar, the Police (Commissioner, Lieutenant), the Penitentiary Administration, Supervised Education, the Judicial Protection of Youth...
  • Law students preparing for the 2nd year of the Law Degree and aiming for a career as a Social Worker
  • Students in Pharmacy or Medicine (Forensic Medicine, Psychiatry, Prison Medicine)
  • Students in Psychology, Sociology, Psychoanalysis
  • Students in Science
  • A.E.S. students


  • Police and Gendarmerie Executives
  • Candidates for the police competition
  • Social workers (social workers, educators, prison officers, probation officers, etc.)
  • Private individuals (volunteer probation officers, prison visitors, criminal mediators, etc.)
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