Law - Political science - Administration


  • Duration

    1 year

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Law and Political Science


Training coordinator: Eric SAVARESE

This course is aimed at students and professionals (ministers of religion, staff of religious organizations, staff of local authorities and others) interested in understanding relations between public authorities and religious institutions within a secular and republican framework. It forms part of the training program for Imams and chaplains initiated by the French Ministry of the Interior, which subsidizes the DU.

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Objectives (pedagogical, scientific, professional):
The courses meet the dual objective of acquiring knowledge of contemporary issues in a multicultural society, and providing insight into the workings of relations between religions and a democratic, secular state. Students will also be able to develop specific skills enabling them to deal in their professional lives with possible conflicts linked to the expression of convictions (religious or atheist) and to develop a better capacity for analysis in a spirit of tolerance and mutual respect.

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Knowledge control

Writing a dissertation (university students) coefficient 3
Interview with a jury (university students and professionals) coefficient 3
Attendance and participation (university students and professionals) coefficient 1

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Le cadre administratif de la liberté de religion et méthodologie 25h, Aspects internationaux et européen de la liberté de religion 15h, Aspects constitutionnels de la liberté de culte 15h, Droit privé des religions 10h, Histoire du christianisme 10h, Histoire de la laïcité 10h, Citoyenneté et immigration 12h, Laïcité et identités culturelles 10h, La liberté de culte devant le juge administratif 6h, Histoire et principes du judaïsme 9h, Droit des associations cultuelles 9h, Histoire et principes de l'Islam 10h, Laïcité à l'épreuve des révolutions arabes 6h, Le rôle du bureau central des cultes 4h
Duration of studies, academic calendar :
151 hours of classes + participation in colloquia or conferences from October to May.
Examinations in early September

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Access conditions

For students, the required level is the current Licence 2.
For professionals and similar, a high school diploma and a good knowledge of French are required.

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Target audience

Students wishing to delve deeper into current issues and acquire knowledge that can be used in competitive exams; professionals (ministers of religion or chaplains, HRDs, teachers, civil servants of all kinds) confronted on a daily basis with issues concerning the relationship between civil society, religions and public authorities within a republican and secular framework.

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And then

Further studies

Studying abroad