1 year
Training structure
Service Commun de la Formation Continue
Created in 1981, this course prepares specialized technicians for the operational management of aquatic activities for food production (aquaculture), leisure and environmental education (aquariums, fishing and distribution of ornamental aquatic organisms, water parks, underwater trails...), as well as for technical and commercial activities.
Training benefits
Diploma recognized as a professional training qualification, the possession of which is required for the assessment of professional capacity in marine cultivation (decree of 07/07/2010) and for the granting of a concession for the exploitation of marine cultivation (decree of 22/03/1983).
Manage operational activities in aquaculture, horticulture and ecological engineering
Manage livestock, infrastructure and logistics
Know-how and skills
- Update the regulatory framework and technical developments in the business / document monitoring system
- Know the basics of the biology of species produced, managed and preserved
(classification, ecology, physiology)
- Control and manage the quality of cultivation and breeding environments
- Manage and plan production
- Identify and manage inputs and outputs of a production system
- Apply protocols and procedures (quality, zoo and phytotechnics)
- Manage and know the basics of infrastructure sizing (hydraulics,
water treatment, civil & thermal engineering, electrical engineering)
- Know markets and sectors; know the basics of general accounting
and how to draw up a business plan
- Get to know yourself, manage stress and crises, know how to negotiate
Course content
- Biological knowledge of species produced, managed and preserved
- Basics of environmental and micro-organism management in aquatic production ecosystems
- Production management and planning
- Phyto and zootechnics
- Technical management of infrastructures
- Knowledge of markets and sectors; accounting; logistics management; quality management
- Technical applications at SMEL (micro-algae production, horticulture, aquaculture - hatchery and grow-out - Recirculating Aquaculture System (SAR), Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (AMTI), aquaponics, biofloc, aquarioculture ....)
- Monitoring system (technical, technological, commercial, regulatory)
- Soft skills (behavioral analysis, stress and crisis management, negotiation)
- Internship(s)
Admission requirements
Application and interview
Target audience
- Hold a baccalauréat (vocational or general) or equivalent (e.g. DAEUB) ;
- And/or proof of professional experience (after validation by the teaching team);
- And/or with a defined professional project.
Tuition fees
Training fees: €8,050
(please contact us for further information)
And then
Professional integration
Open to a multitude of professions: aquaculturist, spiruliner, aquaponist, aquarioculturist, public aquarium caretaker, ecology technician, environmental enhancement coordinator, aquatic landscaper
- professional situations and production ecosystems: offshore cages, ponds, basins,
above-ground systems (SAR, aquaponics), AMTI
- possible geographical locations: Mediterranean and intertropical zones
(former students based on all continents, seas and oceans)