Training structure
Faculty of Economics
- Teaching areas: Economics, Law
- Type of diploma: DU
- Keywords: Economy, Law
- Mr Michel SALA, Senior Lecturer, Tel: 04 34 43 25 12
- Study abroad opportunities: No
- UFR : UFR of Economics
- Type of training: Initial and continuing training
- DU presentation
Key features :
Enable people who want to know the law, the theoretical elements and the tools associated with the job of digital criminal investigator.
Professional partner institutions:
- UFIN (French Union of Digital Investigation)
- CNEJITA (Compagnie Nationale des Experts de Justice en Informatique et Techniques Associées)
- AFSIN (Association Francophone des Spécialistes de l'Investigation Numérique)
- National Gendarmerie
- Acquiring the basics and fundamentals of IT in the context of criminal forensics
- Knowledge of Criminal Procedure
- Knowledge of the missions, professional organization and best practices of a digital interviewer
- Acquisition of post-mortem data extraction methods and practices:
- Data extraction from physical media
- Data extraction from mobile terminals
- Internet trace extraction
- Multimedia object manipulation
- Acquisition of data mining methods
Know-how and skills
- Good practice in criminal expertise:
- In criminal law
- Proof management
- Knowledge extraction: physical media, mobile terminals, web connection traces and multimedia objects
- Synthetic output using data mining if necessary
UE1 Computer fundamentals |
UE2 Criminal procedure |
UE3 Digital investigators - environment and missions |
UE4 Data extraction from computers and physical media |
UE5 Data extraction from mobile terminals |
UE6 Data extraction from Internet connection traces |
UE7 Handling multimedia objects |
UE8 Live forensic and technology watch |
UE9 Data mining |
Mandatory prerequisites
- Public or private investigators or experts wishing to specialize in digital post-mortem investigation for companies or government agencies.
- Computer forensic experts needing theoretical and technical knowledge, as well as the practical basis for carrying out computer forensic examinations.
- People who want to know the law, the theory and the tools involved in being a digital criminal investigator, and who have IT or legal skills.
And then
Professional integration
- Refresher training, updating and monitoring for current public or private investigators or experts
- Beginning legal experts or experts applying for inclusion on a list of experts
- Dual skills in criminal law and digital investigation for :
- Magistrate, lawyer, bailiff or law student
- Computer scientist or student