Target level of study
BAC +6
Training structure
Polytech Montpellier
The Space Systems Development DU completes the existing range of courses with a Bac+6 level, aimed at engineers or Master's degree holders who have already graduated in fields such as electronics, IT, materials or mechanics (non-exhaustive list), and who wish to acquire the additional skills needed to meet the needs expressed above, and in particular the systems, quality and project management aspects specific to the space sector.
The aim of the program is to enable graduates with 5 years of higher education to train for careers in the space industry, through training covering the entire V cycle from mission analysis to assembly, integration and testing. This coverage stands out from the other Bac+6 courses generally offered, which focus on expertise and systems engineering. It is perfectly in line with the approach shared by POLYTECH and the IUT, which advocates a fair balance between knowledge and know-how, much appreciated by industrial employers.
Select a program
DE Space Systems Development
Semester 1 DU DSS
30 creditsSocle Commun de Comp
4 creditsEnglish for Space
1.6 creditsSpace law and intellectual property
0.6 creditsintroduction to Space Systems
0.6 creditsNew Space, New Usages Challenge
0.4 creditsMathematical Tools for Spatial
0.8 credits
Mission Analysis and Concurrent Engineering
5.3 creditsIntroduction to Operations
0.7 creditsOrbitography, space mechanics, ground tracking and footprinting
1 creditsUseful loads and applications
1 creditsAnalysis Missions
1.3 creditsConcurrent Engineering Tools
1.3 credits
Archi Satellite Système
6 creditsEnergy and Onboard Power System
1 creditsStructures and Mechanisms
1 creditsOn Board Data Handling
1 creditsThermal Control System
1 creditsSCAO/Propulsion
1 creditsRadiocommunications and Ground Segment
1 credits
Product / Quality Assurance
4 creditsLauncher interface Regulatory constraints
0.8 creditsQuality Management
0.6 creditsOperational Safety
0.4 creditsSpace Project Management
0.8 creditsEnvironmental constraints
1 creditsMetrology
0.4 credits
Integrated assembly Test
4 creditsAssembly and Integration
0.6 creditsFunctional and system testing
0.4 creditsTest benches
0.6 creditsWorking in clean rooms (ASPEC training)
0.8 creditsEnvironmental Testing
1 creditsAIT from an INISAT
0.6 credits
Group Project
6.7 creditsProject
6.7 credits
Semester 2 DU DSS
30 creditsInternship
30 creditsInternship
30 credits
From 5 to 24 students