Training structure
Institut de Préparation à l'Administration Générale (IPAG)
Language(s) of instruction
Passing the written tests for the external examinations for
- Hospital Director
- Director of a health, social and medico-social establishment
- Health and social action inspector
- Director of Social Security Organizations
- Hospital administration attaché
Knowledge control
Modules are scheduled on Thursdays and Fridays from September to May, leaving students with the option of taking the IPAG's M2 Administration des établissements publics de santé (M2AEPS), which provides courses corresponding to the competitive exams being prepared.
Special features
Students benefit from a dedicated room with a library containing books tailored to the preparation of competitive examinations in the health/social sector, as well as subscriptions to Hospimédia and various specialized magazines.
Training for the various written tests:
- 8 General Culture essays,
- 10 summary notes (6 in 4 hours and 4 in 5 hours),
- Specialized dissertations based on candidates' choices: Social issues and social security, Hospital law, Public health, Public law, Public finance
- QRC (IASS competition)
- News conferences
Admission requirements
On selection.
Applications must be submitted via the University of Montpellier's E-candidat application (red base) from the beginning of April.
The link to the E-candidat platform is available on our website under "Application".
How to register
Once your application has been reviewed, and if you receive a positive decision, you can proceed to the next stage: registration.
Go to our website, "apply" tab, then "registration after application".
Target audience
Students in initial training with at least a BAC+4.
Continuing education (employees, job seekers, etc.).
Tuition fees
Price of written preparation :
- initial training: 400 euros
- continuing education paid for by the candidate: 480 euros
- paid continuing education: 730 euros
25 people