Target level of study
BAC +4
120 hours
Training structure
Faculty of Economics
- Teaching areas: Economics, management, business administration
- Type of diploma: DU
- Keywords: Economy, free software, IT
- Dimitri DUBOIS, CNRS Research Engineer
- Study abroad opportunities: No
- UFR : UFR of Economics
- Type of training: Initial and continuing training
The course is designed to familiarize participants with computer terms and computer operation (module 1), web development and the creation of online questionnaires (module 2), programming (module 3) and data science (module 4).
The courses are taught by engineers (CNRS and INRA), using open-source, multi-platform software, enabling students to apply the lessons at home and/or on their workstations, with no license and/or operating system constraints.
At the end of the course, students will know how a computer and a network work, and will be aware of current data security issues. They will be able to work on a website (modifying content and formatting, development), develop simple programs (scripts and graphics) and carry out descriptive statistics on data, in R and Python, with a notebook output.
Manager: Dimitri DUBOIS
Tel : 04 34 43 25 42 - Mél : dimitri.dubois @
Training benefits
Find all the information you need on the Training Manager's web page.
Click on the "CFI2L" tab for more information on the diploma.
- Acquire basic computer skills
- Discover Linux
- Getting to know and using free software
- Learn how to create a website
- Learn how to develop a computer program
- Learn to analyze data
Knowledge control
- Continuous assessment of practical work
- 2-hour final exam covering all subjects studied
Module 1: General culture (20h)
- Digital identity, data protection, cloud computing, hardware components, free software...
- Alternative operating systems and virtualization
Module 2: Web development (25h)
- HTML / CSS / javascript
- LimeSurvey
Module 3: Programming (35h)
- Algorithms and object programming
- C
- Python base
Module 4: Data science (40h)
- Databases
- R
- Advanced Python
Admission requirements
How to apply : University Diploma in Economics
Target audience
Hold a Master 1 or equivalent.
Tuition fees
Registration fee: 450€ (+ ancillary costs) // 2200€ for continuing education.
Registration from July to October at the registration office of the Faculty of Economics.
+ More details: DU Economics registration
And then
Further studies
The main aim of this course is to complement the initial disciplinary training already acquired with the technical training that is indispensable in today's working world.