DU Measuring the effectiveness of environmental law Legal indicators in environmental law

  • Duration

    1 year

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Law and Political Science


This project is in line with developments in environmental law at international, European and French level. It is based on the observation that the inflation of environmental standards is failing to limit the environmental and health damage caused to humanity. This observation raises the question of the effectiveness of environmental law at various levels. It is therefore essential to measure this effectiveness using legal indicators specific to environmental law. This project will enable legal professionals, researchers and students, as well as those in charge of public policy, to integrate a new dimension into the production of environmental legal standards. Legal indicators represent a cognitive innovation in the development and improvement of environmental law. The diploma is based on an international collective work published in 2021, "Measurer l'Effectivité du Droit de l'Environnement", edited by Professor Michel Prieur, as well as on high-level international work which attractedthe interest of UNEP in 2024 at the United Nations General Assembly for the Environment UNEA-6 in Nairobi (Kenya), and also at the meeting of the 5th Montevideo Programme for the Development and Periodic Review of Environmental Law in Nairobi (Kenya).

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  • Understand the challenges of environmental legal indicators,
  • Discover examples of how to implement environmental legal indicators,
  • Integrate the methodology for creating environmental legal indicators,
  • Developing environmental legal indicators
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Know-how and skills

  • Methodology for creating indicators
  • Expertise in environmental law auditing and project management
  • Expertise in environmental and legal public policy assessment
  • Global mastery of the players involved in producing environmental standards (international, European and national)
  • Ability to analyze and summarize current and future environmental regulations
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  • Effectiveness of law: an interdisciplinary approach - 9 h
  • Environmental law and effectiveness - 6 h
  • Indicators and the environment (scientific, economic, social, European and French state of play) - 9 h
  • Indicators for the SDGs - 6 h
  • False legal indicators - 6 h
  • Why and how environmental legal indicators came about (from Yaoundé to Marseille) - 9 h
  • Methodology applicable to quantitative legal indicators (how to construct and measure) - 24 h
  • Experiments already carried out (Barcelona Convention, WSSD, ODD 14, Brazil, Portugal, Tunisia, France, forest law in the Philippines) - 18 h
  • Co-constructed case study (French and international law) - 24 h

Total: 111 h

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