Law - Political science - Administration


  • Duration

    1 year

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Law and Political Science


Heads of Training : Boris TARDIVEL and François-Xavier FORT

The purpose of the Diplôme d'Etablissement (D.E.) in Droit et Pratique du Contentieux Administratif (Law and Practice of Administrative Litigation) is to introduce students in initial or continuing training to the issues and techniques of administrative litigation.

Taught by academics, lawyers specializing in public law, administrative court judges and clerks, as well as legal experts and experienced jurists, this course combines theory and practice.

Students are immersed in the reality of administrative litigation through observation of hearings and meetings with magistrates involved in the various trial panels. In addition, studies of litigation cases are carried out in collaboration with professionals, fostering a pragmatic and applied approach.

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The aim of this diploma is to give students an in-depth understanding of administrative litigation procedures in their various forms. Thanks to a case-based approach, it complements and deepens the knowledge of administrative law and administrative litigation acquired at university, offering a resolutely practical and professional perspective.

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Know-how and skills


Teaching focuses on the functioning of administrative proceedings and the study of the main types of litigation before the administrative courts. The teaching approach is based on an analysis of the different stages of litigation from the perspective of the main players involved: the claimant's lawyer, the defending administration, the magistrate and the court registry.

  1. Litigation from the point of view of the claimant's lawyer (Analysis of the situation and legal qualification of the facts; Development of a litigation strategy; Introduction of appeals: Recours pour excès de pouvoir, Recours de plein contentieux, Référés (liberté, suspension, mesures utiles, précontractuel, spéciaux); Choice of means and legal argumentation; Exercise of appeals (appel et cassation); Conduct of the hearing and monitoring of the enforcement of decisions).
  2. Litigation from the point of view of the defending administration (Assessment of litigation risks; Drafting a statement of defence; Negotiation strategies and out-of-court settlements)
  3. Litigation from the magistrate's point of view (Investigation of the case; Verification of the rules of jurisdiction and admissibility; Analysis of the grounds of legality and liability; Drafting of the rapporteur's note; Conclusions of the public rapporteur; Organization and conduct of hearings (summary proceedings and judgment on the merits); Drafting and motivation of the judgment).
  4. Litigation from the point of view of the clerk's office (Presentation of the role and missions of the clerk's office in the administrative jurisdiction)
  5. Study of the main types of litigation (through case studies, students tackle different types of litigation, including: contractual litigation, foreign nationals' litigation, fundamental freedoms litigation, tax litigation, environmental litigation, social litigation, urban planning litigation, expropriation litigation, civil service litigation, animal rights litigation, renewable energy litigation).

This course, which combines theory and practical application, enables students to acquire a lively, operational vision of administrative litigation.

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Courses are taught in-class at the Montpellier Faculty of Law and Political Science, as well as at the Montpellier and Nîmes administrative courts.

The diploma takes place in May and June.

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Admission requirements

Students holding a L3 law degree (obtained or in the process of being obtained) or equivalent diploma

Professionals wishing to gain experience in administrative litigation

Capacity: 25/30 people

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How to register

Candidates are selected on the basis of a dossier. This must include :

A letter of motivation, setting out the candidate's interest in the diploma and their career plans.

A curriculum vitaedetailing your academic and professional background.

Each application is carefully examined to assess whether the candidate's profile matches the objectives of the diploma.

Applications must be sent to the two training managers by March 31 at the latest.

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Tuition fees

Tuition fees :

  • Initial training: 320 euros
  • Continuing education: 3,000 euros
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Expected results

Examination procedures : 

  • Grand oral
  • 3-hour written exam
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