

  • Target level of study

    BAC +3

  • ECTS

    0 credits

  • Duration

    1 year

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Pharmacy

  • Language(s) of instruction



Fully distance learning

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  • This course is aimed at people who have completed a Bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences (or equivalent) and who wish to acquire additional training in biotechnology. Its aim is to train scientists capable of explaining the new technologies involved in the discovery and production of medicinal products, and of understanding the field of application and regulatory framework for their use.
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Knowledge control

This course comprises four Teaching Units (TU).
It comprises 80 hours of equivalent classroom teaching and a tutored project.

  • UE1 : Biotechnology, economic and regulatory aspects
    • The rise of biotechnologies: from basic research to pharmaceutical and medical innovation (course and video).
    • Economic aspects of biotechnology (course).
    • Regulatory and legal affairs in biotechnology (course).
  • UE2: Bioengineering of recombinant proteins
    • Reminder of gene expression and regulation.
    • Functional genomics (course).
    • Recombinant protein expression systems (stable systems, Baculovirus/insect cell system) (course and video course).
    • Purification and characterization of recombinant proteins (course).
    • Plant transgenesis and its biomedical applications (course and video course).
  • EU 3: Biotechnological innovations in healthcare
    • Gene and cell therapies (course).
    • Drug delivery and immuno-targeting systems (course).
    • Immunotechnologies (vaccinology, monoclonal Ac, Ac bioengineering, epitope analysis) (course and video course).
    • Real-time study of biospecific interactions (video course).
  • UE 4 : Tutored project
    • Tutored project.
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Duration of studies, academic calendar :

  • 8 months.
  • The courses are entirely distance learning, and require the use of high-performance communication (telephone, e-mail) and IT equipment, at the learner's expense (see application form).
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Access conditions

Applications :

send your CV and covering letter to (pharma.du @

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And then

Studying abroad

Professional integration

Career opportunities :

  • Assistant to a Project Manager in Research and Development.
  • Assistant to a Production Manager in the biotechnology industry.
  • Product or product line manager / marketing division.
  • Scientific communication manager, in-house trainer of technicians and/or sales staff.
  • Scientific editor.
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