Training structure
Faculty of Law and Political Science
Since the start of the 2002-2003 academic year, the University Diploma has been open to students in law, humanities and social sciences who hold a L2 diploma. It is also open to judicial, administrative and financial magistrates and lawyers.
This is a University Diploma. It is not awarded by the State, and is not an equivalent condition of access to a post-graduate diploma or another grande école. Nevertheless, it is designed to enhance the legal and general culture of students, doctoral students and legal professionals. Above all, it provides Montpellier's Faculty of Law and Political Science with a parallel and optional course in legal theory and philosophy to complement the traditional curriculum.
Training benefits
Indicative bibliography:
- Alexandre Viala, Philosophie du droit, Ellipses, 2010
- Simone Goyard-Fabre, Les fondements de l'ordre juridique, PUF 1992
- Paul Amselek (sous la dir. de), Controverses autour de l'ontologie du droit, PUF 1988
- Michel Troper, La philosophie du droit, PUF-Que sais-je?2003
- Michel Troper, Pour une théorie juridique de l'Etat, PUF-Léviathan, 1994
- Michel Troper, La théorie du droit, le droit, l'Etat, PUF-Léviathan, 2002
- Pierre Bouretz (sous la dir. de), La force du droit, Ed. Esprit, 1991
- Michel Villey, La formation de la pensée juridique moderne, PUF-Léviathan, 2003
- Léon Duguit, L'Etat, le droit objectif et la loi positive, Dalloz (rééd.), 2003
- Raymond Carré de Malberg, Contribution à la Théorie générale de l'Etat, Dalloz (rééd.), 2003
- Hans Kelsen, Théorie pure du droit, trans. Ch. Eisenmann, 2nd ed. (reissued LGDJ-Bruylant, 1999)
- Eric Millard and Olivier Jouanjan (eds.), Les théories réalistes du droit, Presses Universitaires de Strasbourg, 2000.
- Jean-Cassien Billier and Aglaé Maryioli, Histoire de la philosophie du droit, Armand Colin, 2001
- Archives de philosophie du droit
- Revue de la recherche juridique et de droit prospectif
- Droits (Revue Française de théorie, de philosophie et de culture juridiques)
- Cahiers de philosophie politique et juridique
- Droit et société
- Revue interdisciplinaire d'études juridiques
- Juspoliticum (online review)
The DU in Philosophy of Law offers general training designed to enlighten students and legal professionals on the foundations and nature of legal rules. What is law? Why is it compulsory to obey the law? What is the source of the Constitution's validity? What ensures the effectiveness of a legal order? Is justice an absolute notion? Is the law defined solely by its formal structure, or must it be required to convey a certain content in order to merit obedience? Do judges set themselves up as legislators when they interpret and apply the law? Is there a logic to judicial reasoning? Does society spontaneously secrete norms even before the legislator intervenes? All these questions are addressed in lectures culminating in written and oral exams. The main aim of these courses is to enable law students, magistrates and lawyers to develop their legal culture, so that they can grasp with a certain distance the issues at stake in their technical discipline. They offer students of the humanities and social sciences the opportunity to understand why a society cannot exist without legal regulation.
Knowledge control
- Article 1: Type of courses
2 lectures leading to a written test:
- Ontologie et épistémologie du droit (24 h) Alexandre VIALA
- Histoire de la pensée juridique (15 h) Nour-Eddine BELABBAS
3 lectures leading to an oral test:
- Analyse économique du droit (15 h) Alain MARCIANO
- Le pluralisme juridique (15h) Jordane ARLETTAZ
- Épistémologie du droit comparé (15h) Stéphane PINON
- Article 2: All exams have the same coefficient
- Article 3: There is no eliminatory mark
- Article 4: Validation of the diploma
Students must obtain an overall average of 10/20 to validate their diploma. The exams take place in the second half of June. A make-up session is organized for the second half of September. The student then retakes the test(s) for which he/she did not obtain an average.
- Article 5: Mentions
12/20 : Assez Bien
14/20 : Bien
16/20 : Très/20 : Très
2 lectures leading to a written test:
- Ontology of law (20 h)
- History of legal concepts (20 h)
2lectures leading to an oral test:
- Economic analysis of law (20 h)
- Legal pluralism (20h)
- Article 2 : All tests have the same coefficient
- Article 3 : There are no eliminatory marks
- Article 4 : Validation of the diploma
Students must obtain an overall average of 10/20 to validate their diploma. The exams take place in the second half of June. A make-up session is organized for the second half of September. The student then retakes the test(s) for which he or she did not obtain an average.
Admission requirements
Requirements: L2 diploma certificate.
Registration period:
Every year, from September 1 to October 31, contact Ms Abbassi (Faculté de Droit et de Science politique, C.E.R.CO.P, 5th floor, office no. 5.06, 39, rue de l'Université, 34060 Cedex 2)
(tel: 04 34 43 28 64; e-mail:
Registration fees: 240 euros (students) 1200 euros (professionals)
Target audience
Recruitment area:
The DU is open to law and humanities students with at least the first two years of a bachelor's degree, as well as to professionals (judges, administrative court advisors, members of financial jurisdictions, lawyers).