1 year
Training structure
Faculty of Law and Political Science
The Certificat d'Études Judiciaires is a one-year program providing advanced training in the judicial field. Students benefit from in-depth instruction in procedural law, making them better equipped to sit competitive entrance exams to the legal professions, to follow courses offered by professional training centers, and to practice the various professions.
Know-how and skills
The Certificat d'Études Judiciaires (Certificate of Judicial Studies) is designed to complement the training provided under national diplomas, especially for students taking the Master I in Private Law course. These students, destined for the professions of lawyer, magistrate, bailiff, court clerk, etc., complete their training in general procedural law and follow specialized courses not offered in their option, under both theoretical and practical aspects.
Knowledge control
Four 1h30 tests for each module
The courses are organized into four modules:
o Civil procedure - 30 hours
o Administrative procedure - 10 hours
o Criminal procedure - 18 hours
o Employment tribunal procedure - 10 hours
o Tax procedure - 10 hours
Total: 78 hours
Admission requirements
This course is open to students enrolled in the 3rd year of a Bachelor's degree.
Target audience
Students, generally destined for the professions of lawyer, magistrate, bailiff, court clerk, etc., complete their training in general procedural law and take specialized courses not necessarily offered in their option.