Law - Political Science - Administration


  • Training structure

    Faculty of Law and Political Science


E-learning training in English and/or French.

The course offers instruction in usage law, in English and/or French. It is aimed primarily at students from the China University of Political Science and Law, and also at other students, mainly from abroad (China, Africa and Quebec).
It is also open to students at French universities and to legal professionals seeking precise information on the definition, normative force and invocability of usages. Courses will be delivered remotely, via videoconferencing and video streaming. The program may also be used to support exchanges with foreign universities.

  • 100% remote training and replay
  • English and/or French
  • 35h 
  • Period: June
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The course provides a framework for studying the formation, application and extinction of usages. It determines the circumstances in which subjects of the law may invoke a usage, and identifies the usages applicable in the event of a conflict of usages. It raises awareness of the legal risks involved in misunderstanding usage.

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Know-how and skills

Skills acquired at the end of the training
- Distinguish between practices that have no normative value and those that constitute usages with normative force.
- Identify the ways in which usages are formed and their effects (effect creating obligations or real rights, interpretative effect, evaluative effect, probative effect, processual effect, standardizing effect, etc.)....).
- Understand the conditions under which usages can be invoked.
- Understand the relationship between usages and contracts.
- Understand the circumstances leading to the disappearance of usages.

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  • General customary law (20h)
  • Statutory law vs customary law (4h)
  • Maritime customary law (4h)
  • Environmental customary law (3h)
  • Comparative customary law (4h)
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