2 years
Training structure
Faculty of Medicine
All the information you need to know about the diploma, organization, contacts, fees and registration procedures can be found on the Faculty of Medicine's DU/DIU website: https: //du-diu-facmedecine.umontpellier.fr/
Once on the home page, select the IUD title.
Training benefits
Admission requirements
How to register
Registration subject to approval by the Pedagogical Manager on the basis of a CV and covering letter + copy of diplomas to be sent to Pr François RIVIER (f-rivier@chu-montpellier.fr)
National coordinators:
-Pr Sylvie NGUYEN (sylvie.nguyenthetich@univ-lille2.fr)
-Pr Vincent DES PORTES (vincent.desportes@chu-lyon.fr)
Application form to be downloaded from www.sfneuroped.fr:
- Motivation letter outlining your career plan
-C.V. and copies of diplomas
- Internship and dissertation supervision certificates signed by the university referee (Pr François RIVIER) and, where applicable, your supervisor.
Target audience
- Initial training:
-interns in pediatrics, neurology, PRM, child psychiatry, neurosurgery
- Continuing education:
-Doctors with doctorates or internships in pediatrics, neurology, PRM, child psychiatry or neurosurgery.
-French-speaking foreign doctors specializing in pediatrics or neurology, on the recommendation of the Dean of their Faculty or Head of Department.