

  • Duration

    1 year

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Medicine


All information about the presentation of the diploma, organization, contacts, fees and registration procedures can be found on the DU/DIU website of the Faculty of Medicine: https: //

Once on the home page, you select the IUD title.

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How to register

Obtaining a registration authorization is essential.

Authorization to register issued by the person in charge of the course after submitting the application to the university secretariat.
The secretariat's contact details can be found on the DU/DIU website: https: //

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Target audience

- Initial training:
-Students in DES of Cardiovascular Medicine who have validated their 2nd year (beginning of 3rd year)
-Foreign students registered in DFMS/DFMSA: cardiology specialty

- Continuing education:
-Doctors of Medicine DE, holders of the DES of Cardiology and Vascular Diseases or the DES of Cardiovascular Medicine, or the Capacity of Cardiology
-Doctors of Medicine DE, holders of the DES of Anesthesia-Resuscitation, or the DES of Intensive Care Medicine, or the DESC of Medical Resuscitation
-Doctors of Medicine DE, holders of the DES of Nephrology
-Doctors of Medicine DE, holders of the DESC of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, or the DES of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
-Doctors of Medicine DE, holders of the DES of Internal Medicine

DE nurses: IDE working in a unit specialized in heart failure or responsible for the follow-up of transplanted or assisted patients (VAD coordinator) justified by a letter from the head of the department / IPA Chronic Diseases

-On the basis of a waiver granted individually by the Pedagogical Commission: a specialist doctor may be authorized to prepare the IUD given his or her particular interest in this additional training (e.g.: DES or DESC in Emergency Medicine, etc.) 

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