

  • Duration

    3 years

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Medicine


All information about the presentation of the diploma, organization, contacts, fees and registration procedures can be found on the DU/DIU website of the Faculty of Medicine: https: //

Once on the home page, you select the IUD title.

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How to register

Obtaining a registration authorization is essential.

Authorization to register issued by the person in charge of the course after submitting the application to the university secretariat.
The secretariat's contact details can be found on the DU/DIU website: https: //

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Target audience

- Not open to Initial Training

- Continuing education: generally open to all non-physician health professionals in a therapeutic, counseling or educational situation who already have initial training and wish to deepen their knowledge of human sexuality in order to improve their ability to work in their field of specialization as authorized by their degree.

More precisely:
- holders of a Master 2 in psychology, psychotherapists if the title is validated by the ARS, psychoanalysts validated as psychotherapists, marriage counsellors if the training is complete and has been carried out in one of the recognized training organizations: AFCCC, CLER, FNEPE.
-midwives, nurse practitioners, physiotherapists, psychomotricians and pharmacists holding a diploma issued in an EEC country.
-Candidates who have completed the former C.E.U. "Biological, psychological and social aspects of human sexuality" or the D.I.U. "Biological, psychological and social aspects of sexuality" in Marseille, or the A.U. "Sexology" in Montpellier, or an equivalent diploma from another partner university, may enroll in the third year.

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