Training structure
Montpellier Management
Language(s) of instruction
The DU Management de la Transformation Numérique des Organisations de Santé (Management of Digital Transformation in Healthcare Organizations) gives students the means to harness the opportunities offered by digital technology to drive their strategy.
On completion of the DU Management de la Transformation Numérique des Organisations de Santé, students will be able to :
- Identify and monitor digital issues
- Integrate digital technology into their strategy
- Validate scenarios and solutions presented to them
- Play their role as project owner and change manager
Open on a sandwich basis
This diploma is open to the continuing education public, and is aimed at healthcare executives and professionals wishing to master the challenges of digital technology.
- Module 1: institutional and legal framework
- Module 2: Information systems for health and medico-social establishments
- Module 3: Care coordination information systems
- Module 4: Connected devices and telemedicine
- Module 5: Introduction to artificial intelligence and Big Data
- Module 6: The role of the project owner and change management
Access conditions
Download the application form on the Cesegh website.