Economics - Management, Health


  • Training structure

    Montpellier Management

  • Language(s) of instruction



The "Diplôme d'Université Achats responsables en santé" is awarded by Montpellier Management (University of Montpellier) in partnership with Cesegh.

Training is provided jointly by university lecturers and healthcare professionals.

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This course has multiple objectives:

  • Learn to identify the criteria for making the right choices to meet regulatory objectives and the major social, ethical and environmental challenges specific to the healthcare sector.
  • Create a community of buyers, prescribers, suppliers, public
    and private, healthcare organizations converging towards a plural
    performance integrating sustainability.
  • Make healthcare, social and medico-social purchasing policy a lever for improving and reducing economic, social and
    environmental impacts.
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Module 1 - Context, issues and impacts of the sector (continuous assessment) - 9h

  • Apply and anticipate industry regulations
  • Identify major purchasing issues

Module 2 - Structuring the purchasing function (continuous assessment) - 9h

  • Building policies and procedures
  • Developing a systemic approach to purchasing
  • Define the roles of stakeholders (buyers, specifiers, users, etc.)

Module 3 - Managing responsible purchasing (continuous assessment) - 12h

  • Define an efficient responsible purchasing policy and monitor the achievement of objectives through key performance indicators.
  • Draw up a training plan for professionals
  • Optimizing sourcing methods / Network of expertise
  • Identify responsible purchasing players and facilitators (purchasing groups, institutional, regional and associative players)

Module 4 - Responsible purchasing processes (continuous assessment) - 21h

  • Manage purchasing risks by family (env. soc. Ethics)
  • Respond to identified risks with informed choice criteria and proportionate clauses
  • Ability to apply total cost of ownership
  • Identify functional requirements
  • Evaluate purchasing performance internally
  • Responsible supplier relations

Module 5 - Method and tools (continuous assessment) - 14h

  • Drawing up performance contracts
  • External assessment of supplier performance
  • Environmental assessments of solutions (LCA, EHSF, labels, etc.)
  • Pooling inter-organizational purchasing
  • Understanding the constraints of the public buyer

Module 6 - Stakeholders (continuous assessment) - 10h

  • Mapping external stakeholders
  • Identify sources and levers of financing
  • Exerting influence


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Access conditions

Consult the conditions of access on this page.

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How to register

See registration details on this page.

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And then

Professional integration

  • Purchasing department manager
  • Buyer
  • Commissary manager
  • Referent
  • R&D Department
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