3 years
Training structure
Polytech Montpellier
The specialization IT Development and Operations (DO) specialization trains engineers (bac+5), by apprenticeship, with skills in software development and system and network administration, capable of managing the entire chain of development, testing, integration, deployment, maintenance, monitoring and follow-up of applications in Cloud environments.
Training benefits
The benefits of apprenticeship :
- High-level studies free of charge.
- A real first professional experience
- Employee status for three years.
- Rapid professional integration after graduation.
Know-how and skills
Upon graduation, DO student engineers :
- has acquired a solid scientific grounding in IT, from design and development through to operation;
- has a good knowledge of Cloud technologies, in terms of infrastructure, platforms and services;
- is capable of managing the technical, human and economic aspects of an IT project or activity.
The three years of engineering studies in the DO department are divided into teaching modules and work placements.
The modules involve players from the professional world from3rd to5th year.
Select a program
DO 3rd year
Information systems and databases
4 creditsRDBMS
2 creditsNoSQL Document-Oriented Database
1 creditsIS design
1 credits
Fundamentals of Development
6.5 creditsHarmonization I
0 creditsSystem Development 1
2 creditsSwimming pool
1.25 creditsIntroduction to Source Control
0 creditsIntroduction to Python
1 creditsIntroduction to Web Oriented Architecture
2.25 credits
SHEJS & English S5
3 creditsOrganization theory
1 creditsDevOps: methodology and processes
0.5 creditsVoltaire Project
0 creditsEnglish S5
1.5 credits
Operating fundamentals
6.5 creditsCloud Technologies S5
2.5 credits101 SysAdmin
2.5 creditsNetwork I
1 credits101 Configuration management
0.5 credits
S5 professional module
10 creditsSchool evaluation
5 creditsCompany assessment
5 credits
Ops S6
5.5 creditsContainer & Orchestration
2.5 creditsCloud Platform S6
2 creditsIndustrialization / CI-CD
1 creditsHarmonization II
3.5 creditsVoltaire" project 2
English 2
2 creditsOral communication
0.75 creditsTransversal Skills Training
Project management S6
0.75 credits
S6 development
6.5 creditsSystem Development II
4 creditsIntroduction COO/POO
1.25 creditsWeb Development S6
1.25 credits
Mathematics for IT
4.5 creditsProbability, modeling and statistics
1.5 creditsFundamentals of mathematics
2 creditsDescriptive statistics and dataviz
1 credits
S6 professional module
10 creditsSchool evaluation
5 creditsCompany assessment
5 credits
DO 4th year
DO 5th year
Tuition fees
Apprentices are salaried students. Tuition fees are paid by the company.
And then
Professional integration
Target professions :
- Cloud Engineer, DevOps
- Fullstack developer (Web, systems, software engineering)
- Information systems designer and architect
- IT Project Manager
- Software, Cloud or IT Architect
- Technical Leader
- Infra/Cloud Project Manager
- Chief Technical Officer (CTO), Chief Operating Officer, VP Engineering