• Target level of study

    BAC +3

  • ECTS

    0 credits

  • Duration

    3 years

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Pharmacy

  • Language(s) of instruction



Date of creation: 1967

Training governed by decree n°2001-620 of July 10, 2001

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Training benefits


Teach techniques for fitting hearing aids, including selection, fitting, dispensing, checking the effectiveness of the hearing aid and prosthetic education of the person fitted.

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Know-how and skills

         - hearing aid selection, fitting, dispensing, immediate and ongoing hearing aid effectiveness checks and prosthetic education for the hearing impaired.

         - measure noise pollution and select individual and collective protection measures.

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Studies for the state diploma in audioprosthetics last three years. They include theoretical and practical training, as well as internships and a research dissertation.

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Select a program

  • Theoretical tests

    30 credits
    • Clinical Audiology

      5 credits
    • Humanities and social sciences

      2.5 credits
    • Mathematics and signals

      5 credits
      • CT Mathematics

      • CC Mathematics

    • Prosthetic audiology

      5 credits
      • CC Prosthetic Audiology

      • CT Prosthetic Audiology

    • Mechanics and Acoustics

      5 credits
      • Mechanics and acoustics CC

      • Mechanics & acoustics CT

    • Language sciences

      2.5 credits
    • Electronics

      5 credits
      • Analog and digital DC electronics

      • Analog and digital electronics CT

  • Practical tests

    10 credits
    • Audioprosthetic practice

      10 credits
      • Audioprosthetic practice CT

      • Audioprosthetic practice CC

  • Internship

    20 credits
  • Practical tests

    10 credits
    • Audioprosthetic practice

      5 credits
    • Ferrule manufacturing

      5 credits
  • Theoretical tests

    25 credits
    • Electroacoustics

      5 credits
      • Electroacoustics CT

      • Electroacoustics CC

    • Signal processing

      5 credits
      • CT signal processing

      • DC signal processing

    • Humanities and social sciences

      3 credits
    • Prosthesis technology

      5 credits
      • CT prosthesis tech.

      • Prosthetics Techn.

    • Clinical Audiology

      5 credits
    • Language sciences

      2 credits
  • Internship

    25 credits
  • Clinical Audiology

    5 credits
  • Acoustic measurements

    4 credits
    • CT acoustic measurements

    • Acoustic measurements CC

  • Prosthetic audio

    5 credits
  • Humanities and social sciences

    5 credits
  • Oral

    5 credits
  • Memory

    9 credits
  • Internship

    18 credits
  • Audioprosthetic practice

    5 credits
    • Audioprosthetic practice CC

    • Audioprosthetic Practice EC


Access conditions

  • Hold a baccalauréat (bac S recommended) or equivalent qualification





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Necessary prerequisites

Secondary school baccalaureate or a qualification exempted from or equivalent to the baccalaureate for further study at university. Admission via parcoursup.




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And then

Further studies

Holders of the Diplôme d'Etat d'Audioprothésiste may be admitted to the 1st year of the Master's degree in Biology and Health, with a specialization in Sensory and Motor Neuroprostheses.

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Professional integration

- Hearing correction centers 

- Hearing aid manufacturers

- Measures and control of noise pollution


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