Target level of study
Less than or equal to baccalauréat
9 months
Training structure
Service Commun de la Formation Continue
This state diploma confers the same rights as those attaching to the successful completion of the baccalauréat. It is automatically recognized as level IV in the interministerial nomenclature of training levels. Cf. Arrêté ministériel du 3 août 1994 relatif au diplôme d'accès aux études universitaires.
The DAEU-B is registered with the Programme Formation Continue en Enseignement Supérieur* FORPROSUP of the Occitanie Region.
It enables jobseekers registered with France Travail :
- The cost of training (excluding registration fees) will be reimbursed once the project has been validated and the DAEUB has been prescribed by one of the organizations authorized by the Region: France Travail, Mission Locale, Cap Emploi, Conseil Départemental, CIDFF.
- Benefit from regional remuneration under certain conditions, or benefit from the maintenance of rights by France Travail.
* Subject to vote by the elected representatives of the Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditerranée Region.
Other situations : Contact us
Training benefits
Take a second CHANCE with the equivalent of the BAC!
The DAEU B exams can be taken over a maximum of 4 years, on a credit basis.
5 training sites:
- Montpellier: sfc @
Session: from 09/09/2025 to 06/30/2026
- Nîmes : sfc-nimes @
Session: from 09/09/2025 to 06/30/2026
- Béziers : stephanie.charre @
Session: from 10/09/2025 to 30/06/2026
- Ganges (IFAD) : contact @
Session: from 01/10/2025 to 30/06/2026
- Lodève (IFAD) : contact.lodeve @
Session: from 01/10/2025 to 30/06/2026
- Validate a State Diploma equivalent to the baccalaureate
- Undertake further studies in higher education
- Competitive entrance exams for which the baccalauréat is required (administrative entrance exams, entrance exams for nursing, social work, medico-social and educational studies, etc.).
Part-time training from September to June.
Daytime classes at Béziers, Montpellier, Nîmes, Ganges and Lodève, evening classes at Montpellier.
Continuous assessment and final exam.
Total course of 400 hours:
Compulsory subjects
- Mathematics (150 hours)
- French (88 hours)
2 options to choose from:
- Physics 55 hours
- Chemistry 55 hours
- Biology 55 hours
Professional project
Coaching, support, tutoring 52 hours
Admission requirements
Have interrupted their studies for at least 2 years, provided :
- or be at least 24 years old on October 1 of the year in which the diploma is obtained.
- or be at least 20 years old on October 1 of the year in which the diploma is awarded. You must also have completed 2 years of full-time or part-time employment (or equivalent*) on that date, and have paid social security contributions.
RECRUITMENT PROCEDURE : Examination of applications and individual interview
Jobseekers can obtain a place financed by the Occitanie Region as part of the FORPROSUP program (subject to official notification from the Region).
Access to a training course financed by the Region is reserved for jobseekers who have been referred by one of the following advisors: Mission Locale, Pôle Emploi, Services d'Insertion des Conseils Généraux, CIDFF.
Target audience
Public: holders of the baccalauréat or equivalent
Candidates who have interrupted their initial studies for at least two years and who meet one of the following conditions are admitted to enrol at the University with a view to obtaining the diploma:
- be at least 24 years old on October 1 of the year in which the diploma is obtained.
- be at least 20 years old on October 1 of the year in which the diploma is awarded.
And provide proof of 2 years' full-time or part-time employment (or equivalent) with social security contributions.
The following are assimilated to a professional activity:
Period devoted to raising a child; registration with France Travail; participation in a training scheme; exercise of a high-level sporting activity.
Tuition fees
Jobseekers: FORPROSUP program €87.50 (on presentation of a prescription form)
Employees: €5,000 Ask for a quotation from the Continuing Education Department at the training location.
Without financing, Contact us